has any one ever pondered the artists rendering of jesus and the 2 'criminals' beside him? wth upright bodies? no blood,
think about it, for one thing a grown mans body could not possiblly hang on his wrists with a single nail.
the wrists are what the wt decides that the nails are through not the hands.
the feet would also tear and be broken, you can nail feet over top each other without using a huge long metal mail like pin.
the weight of the person, would tear through the flesh and probably disconnect his shoulders , he would be bleading to death as the nails would go right thorugh the blood artery. you cannot breath either, your lungs are compressed .
there would be blood pouring out profusely.
Any human hung this way would be in so much agony they would have no idea who was next to them, they wouldnt be able to talk
theys be delerious in no time, and dead with in hours.
now compare that with tieing the wrists on the cross beam, and tieing the tow ankles to the pole. the nailing the hands or wrists and feet
even that would produce profuse bleeding and agony. but perhaps prolong life a while longer.
now I ask you, what God, or father in their right mind would do that to a child, and use that to redeem mankind? I must be better than God to never every do that ors expect that of my son.
hes God he doesnt need to prove anything to anyone.
he could have simply allowed sinners to die off and those who did not sin to live forever, and that still would have completed Gods plan.
end of story.