At the international Convention Melbourne Brother Lett of the group 2 faithful slave told an emotional story of his grandfather on a sidewalk in Texas playing a Rutherford recording loudly till a irratated Texan came out of a house, smashed the grammaphone and punched him in the face...if you ever heard Rutherford you would know why. For example Religion is a snare and a racket invented by wonder they were banned people thought they were Comunists.....tarred and feathered...killed and put in jail playing the rantings of a maniac. Brother Lett was proud of him...I pitty the fool.
Steven Lett Governing body tells his Grandfather beaten for playing loud Rutherford records....Why??
by Witness 007 17 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, as I told my late JW father, when I was a teenager and discovered the old phonograph and records while visiting grandma, I put a Rutherford recording on and couldn't listen to it. He was wierd and scary sounding. I actually tried a second record but it was the same bombastic voice. On another site someone said his speaches sounded a lot like Hitler...when he really got going, he did kind of. It was the 1930's through '40's....bombastic style in English or German may have been the same...oh well. I didn't like it! Apparently the average person of the 1930's to 1940's also found it appealed to whom?
you gotta wonder how anyone fell for that to begin with
We (including Lett) were brainwashed to be PROUD of our "spiritual heritage". I too, was proud of having a similar background as he. Now that it has become abundantly clear that it was all bulls#$t's just sad.
Yep...why be proud of defending a turkey like Rutherford?!
By the way, when did he mention that in Melbourne? I must have been brain dead or wandering around not listening at that time. I didnt hear him say that.
Mind you, I gag whenever he speaks.....
Maybe some present-day householders will have a similar reaction when the Witnesses start playing Watchtower videos on their ipads at the doorstep. Maybe the GB will make some videos of their convention talks to 'entertain' those answering the door. What better way to drive the average person away from becoming a Witness. By the way, Rutherford's talks were about as appealing as Hitler's were.....they sounded very similar. I can just imagine how listening to that recorded crap from Rutherford would drive a householder to punch someone in the face.
Witness 007
Stuckinarut ...The talk was "Gods 100 year Kingdom" when the new book was released. He also said JW.ORG is kicking our attention next time! I was taking notes.
Brother Lett of the group 2 faithful slave told an emotional story of his grandfather on a sidewalk in Texas playing a Rutherford recording loudly till a irratated Texan came out of a house, smashed the grammaphone and punched him in the face..
Brother Lett was proud of him..
...........................................................3 GENERATIONS OF STUPID..
Sorry witness007.
I wasn't doubting you..I just didnt hear it.
But that makes sense now...I was out wandering around during that talk.
"kicking ass"? that's interesting too!