BU2B comments on "Are you convinced you have the truth? Why?" WT article.

by BU2B 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Great thread BU2B!

    Yep....I'm glad I am not the only one who is doing mental gymnastics trying to put up with this info at the meeting!

    I want to yell out loud screaming at the ridiculousness of the whole article!

    sum it up like this:

    " we beleive we have the truth because you told us we have the truth, therefore we have the truth, and that therefore makes us happy because we have the truth as you told us we do!"

  • BU2B

    I send a big hug your way SIAR2 From the other side of the planet in the opposite hemisphere! Although we are do far away, we share such similar thoughts and circumstances. It is getting harder to sit through these meetings. If only time machines were real.... Lets just say I would have a good use or 2 with it. Keep your head up my friend.

  • ohnightdivine

    For the sake of some "well-meaning friends", I thought of going to the meeting earlier.

    But seeing today's topic... no, no, no.

    No way I am ever going back to these dreary brainwashing sessions again.

    If there are real-life mental zombies, you know where to look.

    I want my life back, my mind, and my heart back.

  • tornapart

    My hubby told me I should read it, just before he left for the meeting. Well, I had a quick scan and a read of your review BU2B (excellent), now I need to be able to refute it all without making him angry...

    I've already used the angle of 'what about the religions that feed the poor' (like the salvation army). No religion gets it all right. What about the preaching work? It's true they do the preaching work as Jesus told his followers to do but what's the point when you're teaching something he didn't tell us to? That's when the drawbridge goes up....

  • OneEyedJoe

    Tornapart - I liked oubilette's comment in the other thread on this article. One paragraph presents the fact that magazines are free as a line of evidence that is the truth - by that logic it has only been the truth since the 90s

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