Imagine you somehow got ressurected in paradise. Oh hell no Nooooo! Life is one long Convention. 1,000 years of tofu burgers, asking "look brothers could we NOT sing kingdom songs today while picking apples please?" (Sister cheery) "Oh you just need a kingdom song to cheer you up...lets sing life without end again..." I think the rebellion will start with I want a hamburger with bacon and chicken nuggets. A whiskey and coke and some ACDC also I wanna punch brother cheery in the mouth everytime he says "Jehovah has blessed us" I wanna watch TV in my underwear...not another bible drama. I want the internet and Facebook. Sister Cheery "S#it yeah lets smash this place apart." And so the rebellion begins....GO REBELS!
What will cause 1,000 year rebellion in Paradise....veggie diet..constant kingdom songs!
by Witness 007 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yeah, I was always a little wary of living forever in paradise. So many of the things that I enjoy doing would probably be forbidden or impossible in the JW idea of paradise. When they'd say things like "no matter what it's like, we know that we'll all be happy" to my ear it sounded like we'd all be lobotomized to the point that "learning about Jehovah" for eternity would somehow be enjoyable.
Well Adam and Eve didn't know the difference between good and bad. They were made lobtomized! Maybe we will be dumb again!
Proof that JWs aren't the people of God
1. Clean shavenness
2. Kingdom Songs are so trite, that I know if i were Jehovah, they would either make me sad or make me feel like sending a plague.
3. Higher Education Forbidden
4. Unbaptized Children denied life saving Medical Care
5. Disfellowshipping
For 8 years I worked exclusively with nothing but JW's all day long 5 days a week. And then I had meetings and field service also in the evenings and on the weekends. My in laws were all witnesses. It was rare I ever encountered a normal person. It drove me NUTS! One of the reasons I left the borg. I almost went crazy. It was at that time I realized if I had to endure an eternity of that, then I would just kill myself.
lol- Just read any of the Bethel life threads. Imagine that S### FOREVER. No way...just shoot me...please.
This very concept that witnesses teach has always made me sick! (after the 1000 years...test...etc)
They cant even allow the faithful to rest easy once they get to the wonderful paradise!
NO!...EVEN THEN they instill more guilt and fear and threats that "many will rebel and not be faithful".
OH come on!
Give me a break!....does the concept of F.O.G not stop???? (Fear, Obsession / Obediance, Guilt)
The kingdum songs. Imagine no other music. Sure, you could have piano only versions, orchestral versions, choir versions, bongo versions, etc. But in the end, you would want to kill yourself. But what if you did, and it was like the Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day, where no matter what you did you got resurrected back to more of the same and you knew you were going to have to attend another meeting?
How about naked gardening?? Or, even worse, hot nakedness and no touching....forever.
The elders from before the tribulation would want to stay in control and would be telling experienced tradesmen and college grads how to do their job. After a few electric plants blow up from the "theocratic way" to run them and elders take the lion's share of supplies, chaos will start to be the norm.