My wife was irritated that I was rolling my eyes at all the patronizing subtle swipes they were taking at higher education during a recent assembly I accompanied her to.
Next time a JW tells you that you shouldn't let your children go to college ...
by EdenOne 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
lol, then within one generation the wt will cease to exsist, because the members will all make minimum wage and have no money for service kingdom hall donations, and if none of them get married, then they will have no children.
I remember these saying when I was teen 30 years ago. I had pastoral visit when I applied for college to prevent me from applying. I started with my college education after I walked out from KH. It sucked a bit because people graduted and I was just starting with school. However, time is never lost. I wish my sibling did not listen to it she should pursue higher learning at least for two years degree. Thousands of JWs had their life and career destroyed by this nosense regarding education.
I did have a college degree when when I was 20, but becomming i JW stopped further educ. It was ot until I bocome over 60 yeras of age i finnaly started on University, whitin the subjects of History of Ideas and Science, and Philosophy. History. I did have at least great fun the last 7 years. And today I am much more selfconfident talking to "religious" people.
My JW mother went over that notorious Awake! article with me in 1970 when I was on the cusp of leaving secondary school and I wanted to go to university. I listened to her because we were so close to the end - I could smell it.
In the 1980s, after I left the organization and my still-in mother quietly continued to have contact with me, I told her I was enrolling in university.
Giving me a hug she said, "You've got to do what is right for you" - and she was there in the audience when I eventually graduated with my PhD in clinical psychology in the 1990s.
Funny how we were closer to the end in 1970 than we are in 2014.
Well, with all the lawsuits against Watchtower for failed policies and coverups about the sexual abuse of children by elders and other Witness members, it would appear that college, no matter the outcome for them, is infinitely safer for my children than the Kingdom Hall.
Yes, That article was inappropriate and arrogant. It's also about a half-century old.
<-JW. Went to college. Have a career.
They still warn that SOME colleges can do more harm than good... which is true. If you go to a frat college and party your way through a minor in liberal arts... you'll get nothing but debt into your 40's and some herpes. Those are forever. -
And one day you wake up, and find you’re in you 50's, with NOTHING to even start to think about retiring with!
I woke up in my early 40's. Since, I have been pouring as much as I can possibly live without into a 401K. I've also been taking a course with my eye on Physical Therapy. Final test coming up December 3rd.
That reminds me - I need to get off this stupid computer and study.
Band on the Run
Well, forty years after graduating college and thirty-eight since law school graduation, I am still waiting for Jehovah to start Armageddon and end this present system of things. It is good I did not hold my breath. Fear existed but it lessens over time. My parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents waited obediently for the end of this present system of things. I can't help but note the massive construction by Jehovah's Witnesses of their upstate compounds. Jesus did not say to build such structures. Paul did not build compounds in his ministry which was very different than the Witness ministry. Nor did Jesus, Paul, or the Twelve invest in real estate and the stock exchanges.
Decent education teaches critical thinking skills which would end the WT reign of overreaching, control, and crazy doctrine. Educated people are able to place a WT quote of a theologian in a Google search and discover that a convicted and executed Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal Nazi is quoted favorably by the WT. Educated women can read the story of a domestic violence victim and leave the WT organization. Unlike the Roman Catholic Church, educated people are persecuted. Assignments will disappear. The WT is not responsive to a cut off of contributions. Discussion is not permitted. There is no way to go but out - even at the cost of loss of family and friends.
Education, not necessarily college, is essential in today's society. Most other religions realize this fact. They set up our first universities. Monasteries and convents kept Western civilization alive during dark times. Such religions educate their youth in Sunday Schools and youth programs. Playgrounds and gyms are built. Recreational activities are encouraged. There will be no jobs for JWs in the future.