Chris Tann, brave of you to try to address this issue from a creationist standpoint. Without any intention of ridiculing you, here are some points to ponder on:
1. Is it reaonable to believe that millions of animals worldwide evolved whole systems geared toward predatory behavior in a mere 6000 years?
2. How do you account for the remains of predatory animals that are older than 6000 years showing that predatory features existed in animals long before the fall of man some 6000 years ago?
3. If you accept "micro-evolution" why do you reject "macro-evolution"? Is there any scientific basis for making this distinction? Do evolutionary scientists make such distinctions? If "micro-evolution" is true and supported by evidence, how can you be sure that "macro-evolution" isn't?
It is my view that the whole "micro-evolution is true but macro-evolution isn't" argument is analogous to someone saying "Humans can stand and take individual steps, but they can't walk from one point to another. They can make "micro-movements" but they can't travel from one point to another." LOL.
By the way, do you believe the earth is older than 6000 years? If you do, what evidence do you know of that proves the earth is older than 6000 years?
You might want to keep in mind that radio carbon dating is just one of a myriad of different methods used for dating purposes, and when they all converge to give the same period we can be confident that it's true (at the mouth of two or three witnesses, right?)