Have you investigated Gnostic Christianity?

by Gnostic Bishop 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gnostic Bishop
    Gnostic Bishop

    Have you investigated Gnostic Christianity?

    The Gnostic wing of Christianity, if it can even be called that today, has quite a few differences to Christianity and Catholicism. If the old Gnostic Christians were here, they would hardly recognize what has happened to the original Orthodox Catholic Church or its various offshoots in Protestantism and Islam. The Gnostic Christian Jesus would have a fit and would be quite disappointed I think. I know that this Gnostic Christian is.

    Please suffer through a bit of boring history.

    The main differences that moved the old Christians to decimate Gnostic Christians and burn their scriptures was literalism in reading scriptures. They were also more patriarchal and were not about to grant equality to women. Much later, gays would also lose the equality that they enjoyed. These were Jews don’t forget. The Gnostic version of Jesus and his Father was that they were Universalist. That communistic view of the demographics of heaven did not go over well with those who had a more pyramidal view of what they wanted God to be. War was declared and my side lost.

    That is why we think literalism to be quite evil. Proof is shown by the fact that it led to the Dark Ages, the Inquisition and all the other affronts to humanity that the Abrahamic cults have collectively done and continue to civilized society. Not too civilized but we Abrahamic cultists are what we are. If we were not sinners we would not be seeking a God to forgive us.

    The Gnostic Christian Jesus, and the Gnostic Christians of that flavor, see a spark of God in all people including women and gays. That fact, to me, makes Gnostic Christianity a more desirable denomination of Christianity than all the rest. After all, if a religion cannot accept equality of humans as a starting place, then it cannot be a good religion. All souls are equal. That is scripture. That is why we connect equality to righteousness. If a religion cannot abide with equality of the sexes then to my mind it is not a just religion and is not worthy of the support of moral people.

    Inequality is an immoral position and most of the Abrahamic cults are of that immoral persuasion. They take, --- he shall rule over you, --- to an immoral institutionalized position.

    As the superior Catholic theology, it is my hope that Gnostic Christianity will eventually absorb the non-egalitarian and immoral Christian cults. I hope their members recognize that equality is the right moral system for all to live under, and that as religionists, to not actively support equality for all, would make any denomination of the Abrahamic cults more of a satanic cult than a God loving one.



  • Londo111

    I thought it was an interesting read. Of course, in many mainline Christian churches, there can be found gender equality and universalism, as well as a broad, non-fundamentalist understanding of Scripture.

  • humbled

    I have read gnostic gospels.

    Really, they have bishops? Overseers?

    Hierarchies? Gnostic texts endorse this?

  • cantleave

    The Gnostic Christian Jesus, and the Gnostic Christians of that flavor, see a spark of God in all people including women and gays.

    Such generosity - to bestow such a favour upon your fellow human beings.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Yes, I studied Gnosticism with Elaine Pagels during three New Testament related courses. Altho I've tried to stay current with the scholarship, I don't know the latest insights scholars have. I wanted to study at Union Theological Seminary in New York but there was a Greek requirement as a prerequisite. Fundamentally, I could not imagine being employed with a seminary degree. I found that studying Gnosticism helped me to better understand issues of Christology in more orthodox forms. It is striking how many of the Jesus sayings, probably from Q, repeat in the Gnostic gospels. The interpretation is different, of course. Studying Judaism also shed some light on the NT world.

    Prof. Pagels said there were Jewish Gnostic writings. I would like to read samples some day to compare with the Christian ones. Does anyone know any other religions that have a similar view?

  • Heaven

    No. My time is limited and once you realize it's all based on mythology, you tend to spend your time doing way more productive and useful things.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I studied Gnosticism in college with Elaine Pagels. You are missing the main point of Gnosticism. Gnosticism teaches that physical creation is bad. An evil demiurge created. Our true selves are trapped in this creation. The Gnostic Gospels portray Jesus as a spirit. He only appears to have a physical body. Gnostics can be as Christ. Gnosticism would appeal to an educated and sophisticated crowd. The masses would be trapped in physicality. The strand of Christianity taught physical ressurection. Gnosticism died out for many reasons. Parts of me feel trapped by my body. I believe it would not have survived long even without suppression by other forms of Christianity. There are economic, social, and psychological reasons for its disappearance as a force.

    Gnosticism also existed in Judaism. Jewish Gnosticism may have predated the Christian form. There are many excellent books that explain Gnosticism. Since nothing is real, the practicioners of Gnosticism ranged from total ascetism to wild orgies as sacred rites. One can clearly see how this belief would threaten the orthodox church. Constantine and the emperors that followed him wanted Christianity as a unifying political force.

  • Gnostic Bishop
    Gnostic Bishop


    "Such generosity - to bestow such a favour upon your fellow human beings."

    It is not a favor. It is their right. A right that most Christians deny them.

    Why are they and your religion not as generous?



  • Gnostic Bishop
    Gnostic Bishop


    You use many but in fact, few denominations offer Universalism.

    Count the few denominations that do not believe in hell.

    Not many. Right?

    As to women and equality. How many denominations have taken --- he shall rule over you out of the scriptures or the other misogynistic rulew? Like not reaching men.



  • humbled

    No answer for me?


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