no doubt you have heard about the nurse that thumbed her nose to the State and went out of the house in spite of being ordered to stay at home. What is your opinion on this?
Does The State Have The Right To Quarantine Someone Because They Might Have Ebola?
by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends
Witness My Fury
She's stupid and selfish. of course the state should have the right to quarantine anyone as long as the reason is a clear and present danger and not an excuse for political ends.
Stupid idiot. No regard for the health & welfare of others. Teach her a very good hard & expensive lesson. This Ebola stuff is going to get worse before it gets better and people need to see there will be serious consequences for their actions.
Did she have any symptoms? But wasn't she tested and no Ebola was found in her blood? Is this approach medical or scientific? Do only people in those countries have Ebola?
Does the government have to right to force flu vaccinations on people in the US because on an average of 36,000 people die from flu each year?
I live in Maine and have been following this on the news. The Governor has asked her to take a blood test for Ebola but so far I have not heard whether she is willing to comply. I agree with Witness My Fury that she is stupid and selfish. She is a nurse and she should know better. Having Libertarian leanings, I am torn as to how much the government should interfere, however I feel that her conscience should guide her in weighing her own personal interests against the harm she may bring to other people. I understand that she is willing to compromise on the issue but I have not heard anything on the news about what that compromise may entail. People like this bother me because if the shoe was on the other foot they usually sream loud and long that 'something must be done'. (That is just my opinion and I don't know how this woman feels one way or the other)
Of course they do. This is a level 4 disease, the highest level of containment is required. The US has not been following protocol and been very sloppy with this outbreak so far.
I am a huge supporter when it comes to personal freedoms and consider myself a libretarian, however in the case of a disease this deadly, quarantine is required by law. A voluntary quarantine is not a quarantine at all.
The nurse has no evidence of infection.
She had no temperature at the hospital, she tested negative for the the virus. No need for quarantine.
Contrary to popular paranoia, Ebola is not a threat in this country.
Here's an example of how paranoid people are to Ebola. I've read about two school systems in this country who are going to require school teachers who spent time in South Africa and East Africa to remain on a 21 day leave when they return. These teachers were further away from Ebola outbreaks and victims than either of the school systems in the states. One school was in Oklahoma, the other in North Carolina....both of which are closer to Dallas than the teachers were to the infected countries while in Africa. Both schools tried to blame it on parents who expressed concern and don't their kids infected by these teachers. Two stupids don't make a smart.
Well if she is not infected, and not showing the signs she should not be quarantined.