It's funny, I just heard on NPR that Elon Musk, the CEO of spaceX and creator of the Tesla car was very afraid of artificial Intelligence. Personally I think we are a long way from being threatened by AI.
Do you have hope for mankind?
by noontide 14 Replies latest jw friends
LISA, On Wednesday last, a scholar on Charly Rose listed Artificial Intelligence and Robotics as keys to understanding our own mental make-up, together with study of evolution and Brain research BUT
he also believed that we would devise methods to never let artificial intelligence become an adversary, we would pull the plug so to to speak, or devise a fail safe ceiling. but
imagine us ending up kept in a kind of zoo, as curious specimen, guarded against extinction by our creation.
there really is hope then.
Why, IMO, it is NOT "the end"; It is a transitionary cycle of a number of globally turbulent years.
Yes, imo, the "world" does not end, so to speak.Like the 1800s "cattle drive" though, some systems do transition to a new way. Cattle are still driven, but in trains and trucks. I say that I am not talking "the end of the world" because some misinterpret my diagnostic review of the current crisis (turning point defined) cross roads the world is at. At Valdai Discussion Club, Russia, France and others began discussing the topic "The World Order: New Rules or No Rules?"
So everyone out there at the top of world power understands we are at a global cross roads, and the solution lay in a set of "rules", a "rule". Thus, though some allude to eternal multi-polarity, it can be aligned to a uni-polarity and there is wisdom as well as a natural evolution to world government as a collective multi-polarity with a uni-polar objective, a shared global sovereignty, yet a core unification in global wealth, military and incorporation (the form of that government).
The only question is what kind of transition will drive that final crystallization. I do not buy the "end of the world" nuclear winter, atomic doomsday scenario because in reality that may appear to be a multi-polar system, but it is not. I won't get into that, it cannot be substantially proven and even if it could be few could suspend disbelief long enough to understand it is as incorporated at that level of military technology as is the global top level financial architecture. Meaning it could turn to global nuclear pandemonium but it will not because it is controlled at the required scale, and part of that is there are newer weapons designs that date even the nuclear bomb whose chief use was/is demolition and land re-use preparation. Not saying a few won't pop off, but that will not produce an "end of the world".
But its a great distraction.
Directed energy systems can do far more, even regional scale, with no radioactive fallout. And fundamentally the top ten weapons national budget facilitating development centers rely on the same core technological/industrial sciences system. They really are in on it together, war is highly profitable to that clique, and they orchestrate global developments that increase their profits and power in the world system. The US, Russian, Chinese, Saudi, etc, weapons warlords are running corporate systems that form some of the elite of the elite wealth of the world. the .01 % if you will.
Thus even a semi-nuclear development will not be "the end", imo, it merely aids the global "problem" "doomsday" psychology to accept the final "solution" evolution and global acceptance, all military power in one syndication of world power. "Global NATO" plainly states they intend a global military system monopoly. NATO did not have one Cold War operation, now they have a global map of their command theaters on their own website and in the works in the actual global system. Thus "the end" is really of the nation-state form of vying management with generally limited goals of profit and power. That too is not the " end of the world", but it is quite a transition and it will have some global turbulence as that transformation goes into its actual completion cycle.
Its a cycle, it already has run three times in 1914-1919, 1939-1945, 1947-19190. It would be like going back and explaining to Wyatt Earp what the 1900s were going to become, it was far different than even the late 1800s system. But it was NOT "the end of the world" it was a zenith period of nation-state global development. The late 1900s will also look quite different to what will emerge out of this completion cycle.
And so today the story is basically the same. We are at the verge of a global cycle that brings in another whole new way of administering global resources and it is prepared by power at the tops of all the nations in the UN, and especially those in the UN Security Council who are placed there by elite powers who have been studying this topic, intently, for 300 years, and thus far everything has gone as planned for the domination of the Anglo empire system main engineering.
Meaning the global elite power has prepared for worst case scenarios and there is a controlling mechanism far more precise and powerful than the nuclear bomb, and they are not limited by earth based placements. Think they are just going to tell everyone about it? No. But global tech trends in weapons have explained the potential application, it is not theory any longer. Now none of the "cloud" of global financial symbolic assets is earth based (it is both satellite and earth based), it is over 90% purely digital in the monetary and investment wealth symbols, even the corporate sovereignties are now in some cases 100% digital, some satellites have their own "country code".
Meaning that system is positioned for ultimate protection in the worst case scenario, it is protecting a digital database of sovereign financial and super-corporate definitions. If all that data was erased or ruined, that would be a massive event, no one could define who owns any financial or corporate assets. Thus in reality that system is the most heavily protected system of earth, that is why it is in space. But by that level of actual wealth definition control, most of it literally virtual and advanced computing based, the economic, financial and conflict model of the final cycle is controllable, everything people are distracted to pay attention to are parts of the meaningless "last days" of national sovereignty, not "the end of the world", but a transition into a new paradigm being applied, not just talked about any longer.
There is hope for the world, as bad as it may get it will not sacrifice even 10% of the world system, imo, because the the super rich corporate systems and their memberships, which though small in global percentage is very complex and significant in and of itself, and does not plan its own extinction. They need to keep fueling the final logical transition to a leveling of national sovereign power, to align that multi-polarity for everyone's supposed benefit into a uni-polar world order, yet composed of all the nations, but the presentation and focus on the recovery objective is what will prevail when this transformation is passed.
Once the turbulence of the first 5-7 years is passed, imo, from the commencement of true global developments all will eventually understand are active, the most enormous ever system of wealth will guide a global recovery into their own new paradigm. I mean wealth, not credit, debt and currency. Thus as "doomsday" as it may appear, it will only be a small percentage of the global system, it will not be 100% or even 50% total global pandemonium or break down, and it will lead to a truly massive global recovery period under the culmination of the evolution that has been forming in overdrive since the scale of WW1 industry and finance began truly guiding the development at worldwide scale.
It's not the end, like Wyatt Earp's 1899, it is just moving into a new paradigm. So don't buy the "end of the world" hype, ending the world is far more difficult than people imagine, it is not a small place, and a certain percentage of the systems fail or dud, and they are not leaving it to blind chance or national level madmen. But they do need a perceived set of events. What is desired is a reliable global management system and the military force monopolized to enforce obedience and that will be the theme of the final United Nations related world peace they will in time achieve, but by a definition still requiring potential violence, but in irresistible form by the time the global military system converges into uni-polarity, a sort of singularity of that system because all the time the technological advancement system will not be altered but accelerated through this whole period. The definition of "military force" is also changing, it is AI and advanced network technology based now. Take drone logic a few steps further, and into directed energy systems, and that is what the real military power system is just showing the tip of the iceberg of.
I'm not saying it is a "utopia", but they will bill it as such, and they will have a global wealth reservoir of real wealth, to administer a global finance, monetary and credit recovery at globalized scale of potential, and literally quadrillions in base gold and global resources to base it on, because the national debt shell has never been where the true wealth is consolidating, it has been how nations will end up being globally "foreclosed" into a global "loan modification" into that new system of wealth administration.
The national model was just a means to the global unification end, and real wealth consolidation and control has and will continue to drive it in a greater manner than war alone. The national sovereign will be conquered mostly by debt, and limited foresight of national government who empowered the loss of their own "house", and they will get the blame for they are partly responsible. Meaning people will understand why world government seems like the best option, for national governments did not work, nor did they watch out for the future of their own peoples. World government will be the powers that have been looking out for the masses, at least that is the admiration that will be credited to them when the time comes to "heal the sword stroke". (Rev13:3, 17:8)
It is a formulaic principle of how the "problem" is developed and progressively exposed come time for the "solution", which by that time, say 10 to 14 years, after commencement of the cycle undeniably, will develop to the ultimate presentation of their ultimate "solution". How long it lasts is another story, strangely just getting to world government is just half the trip, half the story really. But as surprising as today's world may have been to try to explain to Crazy Horse, Geronimo, or Wyatt Earp, it still develops in a way few see the pattern is actually a basic trend maturing.
Thus in my opinion it is not "the end", it is a transitional global cycle to the culmination and a known cross roads, which is not "the end", but a completion and really a new beginning because they will have their global work cut out for them. What other plans they may have are open to speculation of other global problems yet to address after that time. They cannot solve the whole of the problem in just 10 or 15 years, even once in true world government much is left to attempt to accomplish. Even then it is not "the end". Thus "the end" is really more of a big distraction as per the principle in 2Thessalonians 2:1-2, it makes people lose focus of the more basic development which with the help of the Web, is being outlined by global leaders and experts worldwide, for those taking the time to look around.
JWs are in a premature "the end" delusion as well. Instead the cycle will run its course to a newer form of global power, but it will be turbulent in that transition, imo. -
I am thinking the day will come when everyone will be affected by world events on a very personal level. No more being able to hide behind a great paying job, living their consumerist lifestyle, slurping their Starbucks and whining about how inconvenienced they are when things go south for them. The day will eventually come when everyone will either sink or swim and those that make it will be the ones who are smart and know what hard times can be like and be willing to adapt immediately. I do believe there will be a day of reckoning not from a divine source but one of our own doing. I do have faith in man's ability to rise above it. Just my opinion.
A pessimist. I don't agree but I respect your opinion