Honey Boo Boo does not take place in Applachia. I lived many years in Georgia and I want you to know, not all Georgian families are like the Boo Boos, not even close. You will however find this kind of family in any state. Some people are just more simple and I have no problem with that as long as they aren't hurting anyone. It takes all kinds of people to make the world.
I grew up in East Tennessee and Eastern Kentucky in the 1950's, and am grateful for the experience of having lived in Appalachia before the days of welfare and food stamps. We had a culture then. We had pride then. We could hold our head up and know we were surviving and sometimes thriving despite our lack of education or mainstream culture.
To read this comment, one would be led to believe that all of Appalachia is uneducated and on foodstamps and welfare.
I live in the suburb of a northern city and know people with college degrees who have their families on foodstamps and medicaid due to the economy and under employment. The funny thing is, one of the families loudly protests ebt snap benefits and Obamacare while they stand in line at Costco to purchase their groceries with their ebt card. I don't begrudge them the help they get. I do have a problem with them thinking anyone else who is getting help is on the take and lazy. I have helped this family find affordable dentistry at a sliding scale clinic in the past. If other civilized, first world countries can take care of their own citizens through social programs that are paid for with tax money, Americans can do it, too. Those countries all look at America with awe at the lack of care she gives her own citizens. Sure, have a country full of jobless or under employed, hungry, homeless, sick and diseased families/individuals who owe billions in unpaid medical bills. That will be a great country, a sitting duck to invade successfully. Malnourishment, that's the ticket. While Denmark shakes its head in disbelief.