by Watchtower-Free 300 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    BOTR, you sound jaded. Legalism will do that. Maybe you need a different job?


  • Heaven

    In the JW interview, Zalkin stated they have at least 20 more cases in the pipeline. This must be another sign of Jehovah's chariot speeding up and that 'his day' (Armageddon) is imminent.

  • Phizzy

    Oh boy, its not just soooon, its Imminent !!!

    I'm aggedon outa here !

  • Paralipomenon

    If you come forward in your forties, money is probably a factor.

    Amazing. So in one post you are complaining about generalizations people make about lawyers, then you make this comment, generalizing victims of abuse?!?

    I happen to know someone in his forties that is currently going through legislation against the Watchtower and I have to bite my tongue not to divulge details about the proceedings as they are not public in the slightest, even though the case has some unique details that would amaze posters here. I do however have insight into why he filed.

    He was raised a Witness and while he left, he was still somewhat mentally trapped. The whole system had failed to protect him as a child. The elders, the CO, even eventually his parents. He came to terms that somehow he was to blame for the abuse since nobody seemed to care to protect him. Eventually he got on with his life until reconnecting with my wife and I who turned him towards ex-Witness sites such as this.

    He had told us of his abuse and was encouraged to see people starting to stand up to the Organization and contacted a lawyer who took on his case. To put it mildly, it is shocking to hear a blow by blow account of the Watchtower's legal system and some of the underhanded things they try and it it hasn't even gone to court yet!

    Maybe you can only see dollar signs, but for some it is about finally being able to stand up for themselves and to stop being a victim. For him, at least, it is hitting the Watchtower in the only place where they feel pain, in the wallet.

  • wannabefree

    I don't see anything about this on CNN FOXNEWS or MSNBC ... is this only big news to ex-JW'S?

  • Oubliette

    Paralipomenon, thanks for sharing what you could about your friend. Please keep us posted to developments.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The obvious is obvious. Lawsuits for child sexual abuse have been legal for quite some time. There probably was no incentive to sue an underemployed elder. Many lawyers are dubious about the merits of these suits. They raise fundamental issues about notice and the strength of evidence after so many years. I would permit, however, if the jury is properly instructed.

    I don't believe this is much news outside JW and exJW circles. There is very important and "hot" news with Ebola, the situation in all of the Middle East, and control of the United States Senate at stake. If this were August, this story might have more coverage. I do not know if this is a large verdict compared towhat more respectable religions have paid out. Legal news sources probably covered it. Perhaps a local paper will pick it up as a human interest story.

  • sir82

    Perhaps a local paper will pick it up as a human interest story.

    You're just bound & determined to be a wet blanket, aren't you?

    My geographical skills aren't what they used to be - in which state is the small-town local newspaper "" published?

    I also don't remember in which state the city of "Associated", where they print the "Associated Press", is.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    The obvious is obvious

    Obviously not, since you still don't get it.

    Perhaps a local paper will pick it up as a human interest story.

    LOL. Read a little, BOTR (I know you have an aversion to reading, but try anyway).

  • jimbojones

    Internet Forum 101:

    Do not feed the troll.

    If you ignore BOTR he will go away. Stop fueling the fire. I hope this thread can return to what it's about; details about the case.

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