Is it ok to spank your kids? Is it ok to discipline them using any force?
Since The Bible Sponsors Disciplining Your Children Do JWs Say It Is OK Spank A Child?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
Yep because the hardest Ive ever been spanked was when I was supposed to comment at a meeting and I fell asleep. When we got home I got spanked like never before. I was 5.
I think they've recently relaxed their encouragement of spanking by saying that "using the rod" means to use it like a shepard to guide or pull the sheep so they know which way to go, not necessarily beating them.
On the other hand, as soon as a baby starts crying at a meeting, you'll hear dozens of comments afterwards that the parent needs to beat the kid.
I don't have kids, so I'm not going to judge parents one way or the other...
Off topic but did anyone else ask the conductor before the wt study to look for you at a certain paraghraph that you had prepared when you were a little kid?
There is never an excuse for hitting a child.
One day a generation of parents will look back and wonder why their ancestors ever thought it could possibly be ok.
We are getting there. When I was young it was common to see children getting hit by parents in public. It has been many years since the last time I saw that happen.
In countries that have laws against spanking, no; in fact the WTS edited their publications to take that concept out.
BTW discipline does not = spanking. Discipline comes from a word meaning to teach, ergo, disciples. I can't find anywhere in the bible that Jesus spanked his disciples to teach them something.
Discipline does not mean punishment
Spare the rod and spoil the child is not a bible scripture...have you known jws who have used it in that way?
The bible presents beating children as a religious duty.
Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him . - Prov 13:24
The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. - Prov 29:15
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol . - Prov 23:13,14
Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him . - Prov 22:15
My mom use to spank, beat, whip us kids because that was the way to rear children according to the Bible, or at least the JW interpretation of the Bible. There was never a mention of spanking being wrong among the dubs that I recall. So, I believe that the WTBTS is ok with whipping children. Also, the Bible encourages (in fact jehober commands) stoning wrong doers to death. Shouldn't the WTBTS be ok with that practice today? Seems a little barbaric but if it's in the Bible, JW's should be ok with it-right?
just saying
The one and ONLY time I spanked, I was in tears at the destruction of the bond of love inside me for my children--but--I
was under the mistaken, indoctrinated illusion, I would be HATING my kids if I refused.
I was in such an emotional state when it was over, my kids later told me it wasn't the spanking,
but the grief it had caused me, which deeply impressed them of the necessity to do the right thing.
I never had ANY trouble my kids.
I have 7.
4 of those 7 were not spanked. The 3 who were--only that one time.
Ancient tribal wisdom from the bosom of nomads is hardly the right standard for Post-Enlightenment parents.
The social psychology awareness of the ancient Hebrews concerning the beating of children if full of ignorance to what we know today.
There is a scripture in the bible I've read that states if a child continues to cause grief to their parents that child should be put to death..
Nice .....
I guess they didn't know about Autism and other mental disorders in ancient times.