Bad month for the Borg this October!

by Crazyguy 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Crazyguy

    The month started of quietly then all of a sudden news hits the UK about a former JW elder who molested and raped woman and girls. Then just after as the dust started to settle news out of Dallas Texas where a complaint was filed alleging elders and a circuit overseer molested and abused six or more victim's. Before this news even had a chance to resinate threw the ears of those hearing it another complaint was filed in the state of Connecticut of four more alleged victims. And now today a judgment was imposed by the court on the Borg by a California judge of 13.5 million dollars for a victim because the organization refused to cooperate with the court, just in the nick of time before the month ran out. This month may have been a record month for the Truth.

    And to all faders this maybe a good time to show your loved ones the news report's maybe it will wake someone up to freedom from the BORG!

  • Heaven

    The 100 anniversary year is turning into quite the spectacle.

  • AlphaMan

    Business corporations have always been subject to bad quarters.

  • kairos

    To all the witnesses that always expect "something" to happen in October, is this what you had in mind?

    There are simply too many scandals to keep up with.

    I've been steadily reading and researching for 3 plus hours a day for nearly a year now and I will not stop until there is no new information.

    After spending 25 years "in the truth", it's amazing how quickly the facts show ones otherwise.

  • Vidiot

    kairos - "To all the witnesses that always expect 'something' to happen in October, is this what you had in mind?"

    Ooh, burn!

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    Jesus must be very happy that the religion that he chooses in 1919 have so great news about her...

  • sloppyjoe2

    They just passed a resolution not too long ago for funds in cases of emergencies and they used accidents or damage to Kingdom Halls as examples. The letter specifically stated that the funds had no restriction on how they were to be used. I would imagine if the wtbs ever has to start paying for these settlements, that's where it will come from.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I would imagine if the wtbs ever has to start paying for these settlements, that's where it will come from.

    The WTS must be scared shitless.

    But they have very competent people hired to shelter their money and protect them.

    Seriously, expect bankruptcy soon as the cash is safely offshore.


  • Hairtrigger

    100 years later, in the month of October, the dung hits the ceiling. The irony of of poetic justice or the poetic justification of irony? !!

  • Zordino

    Karma's a Bitch.

    Weird timing for all those things to come out on the anniversary of 100 years of nothing happening.

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