Has the change from witness style religous thinking to an atheistic viewpoint disturbed your brain?
(This post is NOT about whether religion is responsable for morality , but about the change in the viewpoint and outlook from a JW to an athiest. Morality is used as an example.Neither do I feel that you carnt be moral without a belief in a god.)
I bring this up because sometimes I feel a little strange (only sometimes)when thinking about what I am.
What it is is this.My perception of reality was formed according to my witness upbringing.
I believed there was a God who made us.
I belived he was the source of ultimate knowledge and understanding.
Humans were made in his image , as little copies of him.They were capable of following him and acting wisely and lovingly.
The human brain was something to be trusted and any bad tendancies we had were the result of imperfection inherited from Adam.
But when we throw that all away , what are we?
Just machines?There is nothing to stop me doing bad things to others, or no reason that I have to love.
If I do love or do good its only the chemicals in my brain and body that make me do it.I have in fact no real control.
There is no fighting against imperfection.
My body will do what my mind tells it , and my mind will do what the chemicals instruct.
I am no longer the being I once thought I was.
(This is now looking at whether mistakingly believeing in a god has actually shaped the world , maybe for the better)
Is the belief in a God or higher being just some random fantasy that popped into someones head one day long ago.Did it make him feel good?
Did that good feeling make him tell others?
Is peoples belief in God a help in keeping people sane?
Not that we would all of a sudden engage in random killing sprees etc when we no longer believe, but hasn't the belief in a creator shaped the world we live in?
Can we realy take Christany for example,out of history and expect the same outcome?
Doesn't what people believe shape what they do, can we realy deny that religious beliefs are often a source of good morals and kindness to one another, which have turned this into a better world?
Isnt it only when someone uses religion for his own ends and tells other he is an aurthority from God , that bad occurs?
So without God we just are.
Thats fair enought, I can accept that.
But the change from perception from one reality to another has effects.
My whole way of seeing the world has had to change, authority I took for granted is no longer there.There is no right or wrong.
There is no model type of human that we can call perfect.
We are slave to our brains and its workings.
What it wants to do it will do.
Free will is questionable .
All this sometimes, when I think too hard about it,make me feel strange.
So are we just like machines or is there still more to learn about us and the way we work to lead to different conclusions?