Singapore: The Religious consequences of Tim Cook coming out as gay

by fulltimestudent 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    As if we needed any further evidence that the minds of Christians are not all that they should be, the shenagins in the Christian segment of the Christian segment of the Singapore population once again demonstrated that each time they fart, they blow some of their brains away, and sadly they fart so much that there's not much brain left.

    I guess most people have heard that Time Cook (boss of Apple) publically stated this week that he was gay and proud of it. In most of the western world, it barely caused a ripple, but not so in Singapore where Christians are always lobbying the government against sin.

    But, Tim Cook as a gay man provoked the ire of the Singaporean Church leadership.

    I have not heard of anyone claiming that using an Apple iphone would make you gay, but prominent church leader Lawrence Khong, commissioned as an apostle by Dr. Peter Wagner, of the International Coalition of Apostles, in 2000 immediately stopped using his iPhone and even denounced technology altogether.

    A major crisis broke out among Christian, anti-gay groups who continually lobby the government NOT to de-criminalise homosexuality. Members of these Christian anti-gay groups realised that they had been unknowingly financing the gay lifestyle of Apple’s CEO when they bought an Apple product. Some 70 percent of smartphone users in Singapore uses an Apple iPhone.

    Yeshu Aini, a young Christian man, said: “My entire life is in disarray. I have all along been an Apple fan and bought the iPhone 5 and 6 that were developed under Tim Cook’s charge. Therefore, I have been directly contributing to sin by financing it and this has allowed homosexuality to thrive.” “No wonder this latest 5.5-inch iPhone 6 feels so good in my hands. It is because this is the average length of the male anatomy.”

    Local Singaporean Christians don't know what to do next, there is anxiety that all the popular alternative products to iphone, etc may be made by companies with gay CEO's. No wonder Lawrence Khong condemned mobile phone technology and is pondering lobbying the government to close down the local telco, Singtel, and go back to divinely approved NT system of sending a letter by camel.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Wait, what? I thought he was publicly known to be gay well before he even took over as CEO of Apple.

  • cultBgone

    Sounds as if Mr Aini has done extensive research on the male anatomy...

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    5.5 agerage? Well . . . maybe for an Asain

  • Laika

    You know that is satire, right FTS?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It was widely know that Tim Cook is gay before the announcement. He is the first chief executive officer of a Fortune 500 company to emerge from the closet. The financial markets knew. If you use statistical analysis, there must be many more chief executive officers who are gay. Singapore has never been a source of freedom. Apple products are seductive. Let this be an educational moment for Christians. Over decades, the main United States newspapers reported the lack of choice in Singapore. Certain young people have no choice but to receive a college educated. Once educated, they are not free to marry the spouse of their choice. Singapore practices/practiced a form of eugenics. The government did not want their citizens with high IQs marrying low IQ people. Imagine being gay in Singapore. I hope they have Apple addictions.

  • XkhanX

    We are from Singapore.

  • designs

    If you are a Gawd fear'n American and you run a Christian Bakery you can't use an Apple app to process payments now can you....

  • DesirousOfChange

    OMG! My mother just bought an iPad.

    All the JWs are doing it!


  • fulltimestudent

    Laika: You know that is satire, right FTS?


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