Has anyone actually read the study wt for sun nov 2nd????!!!

by stuckinarut2 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    O M G...(yes that is a very childish reaction...but I couldn't think of a more appropriate expression!)

    If you haven't yet read it...please do so....

    It is so ridiculous! So leading, so distorted, and full of "bait and switch" techniques.

    "Prove you have the truth"..by seeing how neutral witnesses were in war times? Really? Oh come on! Then divert attention from that topic to how great translation methods are? And then experiences of others who are 'convinced they have the truth'!

    I can't believe just how childish and pathetic this article really is!

    wow!....just wow!

    is it just me?

  • designs

    Neutral? The Wt. Leaders hung us out to dry during the Vietnam War. In Mexico it was Ok to bribe your way out of Military Service while in the US you could be DF'd for taking a hospital job as alternative service.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yep...and in some south American countries now, they fly a national flag at the kingdom halls!

    And in Malawi "brothers" died for neutrality, yet in other countries the witnesses bought the political cards as required!

    Oh and the pearl.....Jws were official members of the United Nations for over 10 years!!!

    How do you spell "hypocrites"?

  • KateWild


    You are awake and you are getting to the point that the more you read to more frustrated you are with the cultish techniques used. I suggest you make a plan of how to stay in without getting so annoyed. You need to read less and miss a few meetings.

    Kate xx

  • sowhatnow

    my mom told me yesterday, 'you need to read this weeks study article, its shows us how to know if we have the truth.'

    and so I GUESS I better humor her, and have a laugh myself, better arm myself with two highlighters, and a note book, and some tylenol...

  • Oubliette

    Stuck: How do you spell "hypocrites"?

    You did it correctly.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hi Kate! Yep...you're quite right...I am at bursting point right now......I can't keep up this facade much longer!

    This stuff they spew out is so nauseating!

  • Oubliette

    If simply being neutral during war identifies a group as "having the truth," then Quakers have it!

  • Oubliette

    But seriously folks, the very notion of "having the truth" as if "truth" is a thing that can be possessed by a single individual or group at the exclusion of others is simply a ridiculous notion.

    If I know something that is true and I share it with you, be both now know it. If you share it with someone else, now all three of us know it. I can't somehow "lose" it even if we have a falling out.

    The WTBTS talks about "truth" as if it was a tangible physical object rather than the abstraction that it is.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • OneEyedJoe

    BU2B posted a pretty good review of the article a few days ago (I'm on my phone....perhaps someone else will be kind enough to link to it)

    You hit it on the head though -its one long bait and switch. The title asks one question, then the article answers a bucnch of questions no one was asking. Then the end (by the time everyone's tired and ready to go home) it just asserts the answer to the original question without any evidence, and indeed even presumes to tell us how we feel about the matter - it doesn't say we should be convinced, it just says we (you) are convinced you have the truth. It implies that you can't be a jw if you have doubts.


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