I thought Bethel joined the same club? Just a different soundtrack and costume. The billions of dollars and masterful deceptions seem to be the constants.
answer at the hall "its all illuminate!"
by purrpurr 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Darth Fader The Sequel
KISS = "Knights In Satan's Service"
In actuality, KISS is just a horrible rock n roll band and an annoying bunch of over-inflated egos. Their music SUCKS!!!! But I digress.
I remember the other "Satanic" rock band was AC/DC. If these idiot JW's had any sense at all they would know that the members of AC/DC are country boys from Australia who are nerds and introverts and are truly harmless rock n roll geniuses!!
Sammy Jenkis
That was it Darth Fader, thanks! AC/DC is absolutely incredible and therefore evil in WT's eyes. Their attitude on everything awesome reminds me of The Waterboy's mama.
Everything WT doesn't peddle...is the devil!
Quarterback, there was a time when the WT conductor didn't hesitate to "correct" an answer. There were many conductors who would publicly embarass commenters so much so that eventually they were toldby HQ to instead ask the audience if there was another thought. However, they could NEVER call on a sister after the erronious comment because THAT would be a woman teaching/correcting. At some point the conductors just gave up and let the kooks only comment once or twice per meeting.
I didn't think JW's believed in the Illuminati, but I guess there's no reason why they wouldn't...
I remember a sister in my old congregation saying that she wouldn't listen to Carlos Santana because his surname was an anagram of 'Satan'.
i asked if, on that basis, she wouldn't eat sultanas, and she had no reply.
brainwashed twaddle!
I guess it is "all Illuminati", INCLUDING Bethel. If we make the "illuminati" concept generic, from what I have researched, they would be international scale secretive powers with European roots. Sound familiar? At that scale and secrecy we have? The "two horned wildbeast" that would fit the generic JW theology, that could be updated to include many "secret societies' with very rich membership and industry control.
It appears the Watchtower "secret" Society is just one in that pantheon of global secrets, because they will not even comment on the obvious modern developments in the histories of this kind of research. Much of it is actually historic, it cannot all be simply shoved aside as "conspiracy" and 100% error.
Who owns the Federal Reserve? Same thing, some one owns the place, it has a board, but they are not of public record as far as I know. Yet the Fed is a historic US central banking continuum since 1790 or so. If one goes into any modern banking history course, they learn these basics unless the school is as dated as JWs.
Thus I could see avoiding "conspiracy" per se, but I cannot see a total blackout of history of major US and global institutions that Bethel regularly engages in the lack of information of. Thus "turning off the lights" of modern reality and progressive analysis of history at Bethel, is part of their own way of "illuminating" the world and JWs.
Clearly Bethel is part of the overall development. A JW "University of Dumb Down Coma" non-studies, sold by Bethel's "illuminators" as "Awake!". Yeah, right.
Band on the Run
The Federal Reserve information is on its web site. Lexis will have the information, too. The Library of Congress' web site may have the info. Khan Academy has an excellent tutorial on central bank. America needed and needs a central banks. Nothing like being ill-informed. The bank was controversial. I may have practiced law at the Federal Reserve. Please.
Illuminati and Bildenbergs. One can believe that John, Paul, George, Ringo and others plot against us. Actual, literal demons do not exist so it is impossible for any genre of music to be infested with demons. I am a huge Beatles fan. Their music is part of me. If you analyze their lyrics and the music itself, it conforms more with Jesus' commandments than the WTBTS. Believe in the power of Illuminati or Bildenbergs and you will be crippled. Such beliefs and the accompanying fear stop people from participating in government and affecting policy. History is full of examples where powerful forces must bow to the will of the people. This country needs educated and sophisticated people.
I don't personally believe in the 'illuminati' as such. There's probably some kind of mafia in the music business but I wouldn't think they control the world. If they did they'd surely not do it via some crappy music. If they did I'm sure we'd have much better music than the crap we hear from the likes of Simon Cowell and that crowd of charlatans.
I don't miss all the personal, sanctimonious opinions of egotistical bully boys at the hall.......I really don't!
I recall one dozy bustard said he heard an ELO record and it made him feel giddy because of the satanic message recorded backward in it. What a prize twat!!!