There are approximately SIX BILLION human beings in the world who are NOT, and never will be, Jehovah's Witnesses. Per Watchtower doctrine, Jehovah's 'Day of Judgement ' is coming SOON. So what to do about all those non-JWs who are 'enemies' of Jehovah??? Simple: The Witnesses call on their Hitler-like 'God' to simply EXTERMINATE , brutally, every one of those people who do not subscribe to the JW Organization based in New York. Including children and INFANTS!!! Jehovah is the Pest Control Man for the Witnesses, their go-to guy who you call when you need billions on non- believers exterminated. All those 'nice & kind' folks at the local Kingdom Hall are essentially HOPING for this to happen....and SOON!!!! They relish the thought of billions of dead bodies covering the Earth. They salivate at the prospect of it occurring. How is this any different from Hitler's 'Final Solution'???? It's just that JWs want Jehovah to do their dirty work for them. That's why I no longer hesitate in calling JWs NAZIS, because they have exactly the same goal: the extermination of all human being who do not belong to their 'approved' Organization. The next time a 'kindly' Witness knocks on my door, I am going to ask: Why are you a Nazi???? Why is your God a Hitler clone??? What kind of monster are you???
by NAVYTOWN 11 Replies latest jw friends
Why not ask them the real question NT , Why is your God jehovah such a genocidal/homicidal/bloodthirsty God , who obviously delights in the slaughter of old men ,young men ,women , and children , and have no pity or sorrow for them , as fully documented in the hebrew scriptures otherwise known as the Old testament , which you should be fully aware of , as you claim to be bible students.
And dont forget , virgins were spoils of war . We dont need to use our imagination why that was.
I dont think the animal protection society would be too happy to know the extent of animal sacrifices that took place in the hebrew scriptures/Old testament.
Just in one festival alone , 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep were slaughtered for a sacrifice to jehovah . Wouldnt you think thats a bit over the top ?
1kings 8 :62,63 thats just one instance. Their are heaps more in the OT
Obviously not satisfied with the blood of his son jesus , he still wants more.
The AWAKE article showing the faces of 26 children who gave their lives beleiving the Jehovahs Witness interpretation of certain scriptures relating to the eating of blood and their refusal of blood transfusions in life threatening situations.
And apparently jehovah still wants blood according to jehovahs witnesses at Armageddon , at least 8 billion souls last count.
the current world population is over 7.25 biliion , I'd get this fact straight first
Don't forget, Jah is at least so kind to offer heip through his spirit directed organisation:
"You may survive Armageddon into God's new world" was a book published by the WT in 1955.
World's population in 1955: 2,761,650,981.
Maybe most of those peddeling this book are dead, as well as those the book was offerd to.
Now nearly three times as many "may NOT survive Armageddon".
Great thread!
Yes...Truely sick indeed....
This playing with life seems to be a favoured past time, after giving Life to humans in the first place, there was the verdict to death on all, for a goof by the first humans alive, then there was the flood, by water, Sodom & Gomorrah by fire, the Egyptian first born, the anti-moses eradication.
It was one Give and Take from day one (six)
It is all fiction of course. what is sick is the story and those that use it to their advantage.
If you ask them rhetorical questions like that they will just go on the defence and not really think for themselves. You might also get them thinking things like "ahh well here is another bitter apostate". Lots of decent JWs make excuses that Jehovah is a just God and will save all righteous people, they don't agree wholeheartedly with the fact that all will be destroyed who aren't JWs.
Kate xx
prologos - "This playing with life seems to be a favoured past time, after giving Life to humans in the first place, there was the verdict to death on all, for a goof by the first humans alive, then there was the flood, by water, Sodom & Gomorrah by fire, the Egyptian first born, the anti-moses eradication."
Makes God look bipolar.