Let's do the math. At a bare minimum - let's hypothetically say that 20 of these victims end up getting the bare bones minimum that Candace Conti received- 8 million $$$$ . We are looking at probably $ 160,000,000 in lawsuits the WT Society will be forced to pay out. How's that WT kingdom hall takeover working for you Bethel boys ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
New JW Podcast Show - Amazing Interview with Irwin Zalkin!
by God_Delusion 44 Replies latest jw friends
"We are at tip of that iceberg. I think the house of cards is going to fall. I believe that .. these cases are going to continue to mount, and at some point they are going to get the message." - Irwin Zalkin (44:36)
In the Zalkin interview I found it very telling that he portrayed child abuse as " one of the worst crimes you can commit against another human being ". And THIS needs to be emphasized to the WT Society leaders AND JW's in general because they look at child abuse as just a " sin " due to imperfection - instead of looking at it as a hideous , horrific crime in which victims many times NEVER recover from. I was really impressed with how Zalkin seems to know more about the inner workings of Jehovah's Witnesses more than probably a lot of the elders do
Listening to this now...what arrogance these b*stards demonstrated in refusing court orders!
The earlier testimony about the eldubs actually ASSIGNING this known molester to study with Jose as a little child...this left me in tears.
The members of the gb deserve the worst punishment possible.
Children are not a priority in Botchtower world. They are viewed as more of a scourge, requiring precious resources that could otherwise be put towards the organization (such as time and money). Many JWs over the years have been discouraged from having children either directly or indirectly (through various fears).
The laws need to be changed. Organizations that harm people need to be dealt with accordingly.
I commend the Zalkin Law Firm for what they are doing. I wish them much success in the future.
JW World is full of the walking wounded.
This podcast is so informative and telling . Many thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Great episode! Fantastic. You have set the bar high for yourselves.
... hmmm, so that's why they stopped having study slips filled out, they don't want to know because it makes them responsible ... all of the "simplifications" are becoming more and more obvious to be ways to reduce Organizational culpibility ... instead of learning from past mistakes and making changes out of love and concern for the victims, the changes are to reduce their liability PERIOD
**said something offensive and deleted it so that nobody gets pissed off**
Marking. .