It is hard to be on the receiving end of negative feedback from one's spouse. I had a definite ouch moment when you said in the OP you told your wife her love was conditional. The poor woman! What did you really expect her to say? "Oh, I hadn't realized honey! Tell me more. I need to learn from your feedback on how to be a more unconditionally loving woman!"
I cannot stress enough that we humans respond far more positively to positive feedback, to hearing that others expect good things for us. Even negative behaviours do not benefit from being tackled front-on (unless we are talking about egregious, deal-breaker behaviours such as mental, physical and/or sexual abuse).
Catch your wife doing good. Tell her how much it means to you. Model unconditional love to her. If you have unconditional love for her, how come you chip away at her beliefs they way you do? Is that showing what unconditional love is like in action?
I acknowledge it is damn hard when your spouse holds religious beliefs that lead to her behaving in ways you do personally abhor. But lead by example. Hell, if you cannot show unconditional love to her when no one is making you do something against your beliefs, how can you expect her to show unconditional love when her belief system stops her? She actually has a tougher road to recovery than you.
As for her using expletives: Check with her whether she is using the polite version of "Fuck" (spelling "Phuck"). Evidently, religious people who exclaim "Phuck" during times of heated exchanges maintain good consciences before their God because they are not using the offensive version.