The watch tower history blog is the best out there. The owners are considering shutting it down for lack of blog visits. Maybe a visit and a comment would help keep it alive.
Help me keep this site active
by Old Goat 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A quote from the above thread:
I was a witness (thechically still am) for decades - A Company Servant, Congregation Servant, Elder, etc. I would like to think I used good sense during that era. I never felt compelled to shun anyone. But then I never sat on a "committee" that was unjust or cruel. If I didn't talk to you, it was because you were a royal creep. You slept with your daughter; you stole money from your employer; you fornicated with an clueless young girl. Trying to force someone to talk to us who detests what we did or us personally is as insane as anything the WT has ever done or said. Those who advocate a legal approach have no appreciation for American or human rights. period. And they have no sense of personal responsibility.
You want a Witness to talk to you, change your life. If you left on principal (something rare on this board), then live with your decision. But for God's sake, and your own, find some maturity. Stop whining and moaning.
Because of the above, I cannot in good conscience support this blog.
Separation of Powers
I sense a little whining and moaning formt he person who wrote this.... ###
Old Goat
What does my opinion have to do with their blog? Isn't that silly?
I can live with my decision...silly or not.
I support Old Goat's plea.
I'm not quite sure of the objections that some are offering to the blog ( ) but isn't there room for any material that helps people see how the organisation to which we (well, most of us) once belonged developed and grew to what we now see. If there's no absolute religion, then there is no absolute no-religion. (grin)
There's some good stuff on that site - I recommend exploring it, its a repository of material that I'm sure the inheritors of the religion would like to see hidden for ever.
May I recommend the site to all genuine seekers of Watchtower understanding.
Where else do you find such interesting information as this post on the Rutherford graves:
The Rutherford graves
I am indebted to "Claire" of Find a Grave, who supplied the photograph of Malcom's grave marker, and who kindly went back to confirm the connection between the three Rutherford markers. She apologizes for not having grass clippers with her on this occasion...
The markers from left to right are for Bobby (Pauline) Rutherford (first wife), Eleanor Rutherford (second wife) and Malcom Rutherford. You can see the markers more clearly if you check the Find a Grave site with the information supplied in the original article.
The dates for Eleanor are strongly suspect, but this is not uncommon with grave stones when they are put in place some time after the person has died. The question remains as to who arranged for and paid for the stones for Malcom ("in loving memory") and Eleanor. The Ancestry site indicates that Eleanor had family from her first marriage. They are listed as "private" which may well mean they are still alive. -
And this post on old Joe R's son Malcolm:
Malcom aged 18
Six years later at age 24.
Looks better than Joe R huh?
The post gives a lot of information about Malcom and the family, note that they are all dead. Poor old Joe's prophesy, that, Millions Now Living Will Never Die, failed, as did Jesus own prophesy about his return.
Malcom Cameron Rutherford was born on November 16, 1892, the only child of Joseph F Rutherford and Mary Fetzer. His photograph at age 18 is found in the 1911 convention report as “Pastor Russell’s stenographer” on the Transcontinental Tour. Around this time the whole family were part of the Bethel family in Brooklyn. The main census of Bethel in Kings, Brooklyn, was taken on April 29-30, 1910, and lists CTR and a collection of familiar names, but the Rutherford family is missing. However, there is a census page dated May 14, 1910 by a different enumerator, with the word “supplemental” at the top, which gives a few extra names for 122 and 124 Columbia Heights and People’s Pulpit Association. And there we find Jos(eph) F Rutherford, Mary Rutherford and Malcom C Rutherford all living together with a few other well-known Bible Student names, including Charles W Hek, nominal editor of the Bible Students Monthly. For the Rutherford entries, Joseph is an Attorney and Malcom a Mail Clerk; and under “Industry” is “Bible and Tract Society”. Joseph and Mary are down as assistants, and Malcolm (aged 17) is down as a boarder. Ships’ passenger lists show that Malcom, now aged 22, accompanied his parents for at least part of a trip to Europe in 1914. According to “Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Divine Purpose” Rutherford Snr. had been giving lectures in Germany, and then was on board a boat from Hamburg to Britain when war was declared. He remained in Britain until September, and then the whole family (including Malcom) arrived back in New York from Liverpool, England, on the Mauretania in late September 1914. In the June 1, 1915, New York census Malcom is not in Bethel, but neither are his parents. Less than six weeks before the census, Rutherford Snr. was the other side of the country involved in a well publicized and published debate with Baptist John H Troy in Los Angeles. Malcom was with him. The report of the debate in the May 1, 1915 WT, has Rutherford Snr. describing his son rendering assistance by his side. Malcom next surfaces around 1917 with his draft registration card. This provides his birth date of November 16, 1892, and states that he was currently 24 years old. He was now living in Los Angeles, employed as a book-keeper and clerk. It is interesting to note that he claimed exemption from the draft on the grounds of being a member of the International Bible Students Association. The genealogical website also has what is called his “soldier photograph” from this time which is at the head of this article. However, the records of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs note that Malcom subsequently enlisted on September 10, 1918 and was discharged on December 24, 1918. His father was in prison by this time. By the 1920 census, Malcom is married to Pauline Short (getting married at age 25) and living in Los Angeles, California. On this occasion he puts down his occupation as attorney. You can then trace his subsequent movements over decades via census returns and city directories. One entry of interest is from the 1944 Monrovia City, California, Directory. This has Malcom C Rutherford (clerk) and Pauline S Rutherford living at 159 Stedman Place. At the same address is Mary Rutherford, widow of J F Rutherford. This is Mary’s home, so Malcom and Pauline have obviously moved in with her. Pauline Short Rutherford died on August 29, 1948, and was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. There is no gravestone with that name, but there is one with the name Bobby Rutherford, “beloved wife,” with the exact years for Pauline (1896-1948), so we might safely assume this was a pet name for her. Malcom remarried in 1950 to a widow Eleanor F Nedell (c.1904-1980). She too was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, although the headstone for Eleanor F Rutherford reads 1914-1979. Following her death, Malcom lived on until 1989 (aged 96) and was also buried in the same cemetery. You can see his grave marker below, reproduced by kind permission of “Claire” from the Find a Grave website.
And what about this fore-runner of the (supposedly new) literature trolleys now being used.
Now even I did not know (humble look) about the 'dawn mobile' as it was officiall called, though it was also known as the "Cole-wagon'
There is an entertaining article in the 1908 convention report from Cincinnati, Ohio (pages 79 and 80), where James Cole (with A H Macmillan as helper) demonstrated the new Dawn-Mobile to the colporteurs at their special meeting. While “Dawn-Mobile” was the official title, nearly everyone at the time called it the “Cole-Wagon.”
Juan Viejo2
Old Goat -
Blogspot is not the place to host your site. (supported by Google) was never intended and does not work well for a stand alone site. The only way to get visitors is to go out and post links on other discussion sites (Topix, Yahoo! Answers, etc.) or create a mailling list and send everyone on the list a notice that you have posted something and then ask them to share the links with their friends. is similar, but is paid for by ads from Adsense, etc. But the plan is the same as most Blogger and sites are mostly ignored by search engines and are rarely found in the top ten pages of any search.
I would suggest that you offer your articles to another blogger who is looking for material and let them archive your posts or integrate them within their own blog. The problem there is finding another blogger who has your same interests, point of view, and religious leanings. A very religious blog will not do well on one hosted by an atheist and will find little support among the masses of JW readers.
Bravehost is another hosting service that has hundreds of articles and posts regarding JW scandals and personalities. But again, they are poorly ranked and indexed on any of the search engines so are hard to find. Most get their readers from JWN, Freeminds and other JW discussion sites that provide an occasional link to a good article or two.
So again - my suggestion is that you find another blogger who would agree to take over an archive your Blogger posts on their own site and then credit them to you. Pick carefully - your host should be on the same wavelength as you or else the relationship will not work.