David Splane Destroys the Very Foundation of 1914- Corp. Meeting New Light

by scotoma 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    The point made in the opening post, that Daniel 4 is not a type, is obvious when you read the chapter, and in verse 33 it says " at that moment the word itself was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar,...." (italics mine).

    If you can get a JW to read that with an open heart, then any discussion about 607 and therefore 1914 is redundant. They will see for themselves, as I did when I first read that verse without JW Specs on, that the whole silly edifice of the 1914 teachings simply has nothing to support it from the Bible.

    From that it is a short step to the realisation that :

    No 2520years = no 1919 "choosing" = the GB are self-apponted charlatans.

  • punkofnice

    Phuzzie - If you can get a JW to read that with an open heart,

    ....yup! There's yer problem!

  • Ish Elon
    Ish Elon

    When you read Dan ch 2 about the huge and bright image you understand that like the magic practising priests, the GB with its commitees are just buying time by providing false info in order to extend their rulership. Soon 1914 and all the accounts published for the last century will be crushed and turnef to dust and no trace will be found of them. The authority in the organisation is the disgusting thing or idols made of men as descrined in my post 'the disgusting thing'

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    "We never said anything about 1914 having to do with armageddon the rank and file were just running ahead in their hopes for a quick and speedy end to the pangs of this wicked world"

    "We are innocent and pure and have always done the right thing we are faithful and discreet"

    i don't think so

  • scotoma


    Thanks for pointing out the wording in 4:33. I overlooked that. It is very explicit in regards to the meaning of the dream.

    All the rest is obiously a Watchtower dream.

    Splane said the GB is having trouble keeping up with the Celestial Chariot.

    He should have said they are having trouble keeping up with JWD.

  • StarTrekAngel

    how is it that they can keep this 1914 thing all the way to 2034?

  • Vidiot

    Ocean1111 - "That is my speculation on the overall objective of this last Annual Meeting operation of more and more error and the reinforcing of positioned JW delusions that will aid the process of corporate dissolution that is coming, with that handy delusion applied to becoming a JW hoax."

    Misdirection while the heavies jump ship with the cash, huh?

    Problem is, that implies that the guys at the top know it's all bullshit, whereas the vast majority of available anecdotal evidence suggests that they really are full-on True Believers.

    From what I've seen, hardcore True Believers would rather go down with the ship then jump ship, because jumping ship is tantamount to acknowledging that the ship is going down in the first place, and I'm sorry, but I simply can't imagine the WTS ever admitting that to such a degree (even if just by their actions).


    This sounds crazier, but I think that (because subconsciously they know the game is nearly up) they're trying to make Old Man Jaracz's paranoid fantasies (about Armageddon being triggered by an attack on the WTS) come true, in the genuine (and probably desperate) hope that God will bail them out at the last second.

    I could be wrong.

  • Finkelstein

    Sounds like Splane is sending out feelers for anyone who could possibly get the organization out the corner with its

    its 1914 doctrine in answering why nothing has happened since that year.


    The organization was just zealous toward Jesus's return and we are just simply imperfect devoted followers.

    There you go GB members a little help from Finkelstein

  • TD
    I would say that the type/antitype horse bolted years ago.

    They quit using the terms, "Type" and "Antitype," just like they quit using the term, "Tabernacle Shadows" a long, long time ago, but types and antitypes did not go away.

    The interpretational method known as Typology is the backbone of the entire JW faith. Stop and consider what would crumble without it:

    The name, Jehovah's Witnesses

    The Last Days

    The Time of the End

    The 2520 years




    The Great Tribulation

    Cutting short of the days

    The Disgusting Thing

    The Lord (Jesus) "Coming" to the Temple for judgment

    Selection of The Bible Students as True Christians

    Delieverance of the Remnant from Babylon

    Outpouring of Jehovah's spirit following Deliverance of the Remnant

    Judgement of Christendom

    The Eartly Courtyard of the Spiritual Temple (i.e. Why the Great Crowd are not in heaven....)

    The Modern Day Ark

    The Modern Day City of Refuge

    The Mixed Company / Mixed Multitude (i.e. The Great Crowd)

    The Ingathering / Harvest prior to Armageddon

    I could go on and on and on and I haven't included things like the Great Crowd, The Bride of Christ and Babylon the Great, but would point out that JW interpretations of these terms become entirely arbitrary without the support of typology.

    Splane is an idiot.

  • Finkelstein

    Problem with the GB today is that they were trained on the ignorance and amateur bible theology of the past leaders of the WTS. publishing house.

    The established past doctrines such as 1914 were created mostly to attract attention to the WTS published goods toward the public, they weren't established from sound

    analytical bible interpretation from enduring academic theological Bible study.

    Splane is a good example of stupid following stupid.

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