Name the GOOD things and NICE things about Jehovah's Witnesses

by stuckinarut2 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    They are a great "network" or "community" for others that the Org allows them to befriend.

    If you don't fit the Organiztion's criteria, then you're a "wordly person" doomed and deserving of destruction.


  • Heaven

    They are... punctual.

    My Dad was always late to his meetings.

    When my Dad moved, several members of his old congregation came to help load up the truck and then members from his new congregation showed up to help unpack the truck.

  • punkofnice

    Everything I wanted to do (and did), was considered naughty because Jehovah(tm) hates everything you do I felt good doing it.

  • stuckinarut2

    Awesome replies!

    Milie..your words really hit home to me too!

    I have come to the realisation that most witnesses are NICE people, who have their REAL personalities crushed and destroyed by the CULT personality that takes over.

    They become judgemental, and harsh against their own flock, as well as the obvious "worldly people" around them. They are the epitome of "eye pleasers"

    They have a constant persecution complex that they wear as a "badge of honour".

    Children are never helped to become indivividuals, but just become a clone out of a witness mould.

    And the constant negative view of everything around them prevents them from really growing as a person.

    i could go on.......

  • KateWild

    Millie well said, you described JWs who are doormats, most JWs are like this family you described and a few are just liars, playing the game but getting all the privileges and bending all the rules. Kate xx

  • Giordano

    Millie nailed it down....exactly!

  • BU2B

    My wife was talking with her firend who has an infant the same age as ours, 6 months. They were both discussing how their JW family are cold to them and their grandchildren, having little to do with them, but the WORLDLY family was involved, visiting, giving of time and material gifts! The JW family is too wrapped up "pioneering".

    They are WORSE than average, everyday people, and the good they do is either to look good, get brownie points. The genuine good they do would be done by them wheather they were JWs or not, and the JWs divert the charitable part of their heart into "pioneer work".

    There is nothing unique to JWs that is good. Any kind and warm JWs are that way IN SPITE of the cult, not because of it.

    Some have quit drugs, prostitution or drinking by becoming a JW, but this is not unique to them and the same result could have been attained by joining any other religion, or rehab.

    They do help you to feel comfortable speaking in public and reading well because of the TMS. Thats all I got.

  • LostGeneration

    Along with BU2B's excellent comments, I've come to the realization that the average JW has been molded into what the WT wants, individuality is removed and the group's personality is installed.

    For some, the group's personality may make them a better person - usually those with addictive personalities or jaded pasts. But for most, the group's personality is WORSE.

    Natural love and affection is tamped down, instead rigid and judgemental behavior becomes normal, even championed. There are always exceptions to the rule, those willing to allow their natural self shine in spite of the cult rules. But most simply are shells of what they truly could become outside of the cult.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I thought about this response since last night. There is no trait or quality that JWs tend to have that worldly do not have in more abundance. We are human. The Witnesses helped my grandfather become literate. There is not enough room for all the bad/maladaptive traits. They are generally law abiding but not showing up for a deposition is not law abiding. Theocratic warfare is not law abiding. They pay taxes as individuals. Of course, the IRS could lock them up for a long time, otherwise. They are deferential which is a good quality in extremely limited circumstances. Witnesses have no special qualities. Any good could have been accomplished by either secular or mainstream religion influence.

    They ignited my passion for civil rights but a decent history teacher would also have sparked my interest. The Witnesses made me value my basic human right to be free from them. Paul McCartney termed it a god-given right, freedom. Freedom. My appreciation for most things worldly was nurtured by the ignorance of local Witnesses. I take education seriously. It is not fun being a member of a minority religion.

  • StarTrekAngel

    One thing to point out, leaving behind the true reasons why this happens, is that they can show what can be achieved when a group of individuals come together for a common cause. The world should definitely learn from this. Regardless of the motives of those who drive them to do their works, it shows that we as human beings are very much capable of coming together peacefully and without jealousy or competition. To see a KH or assembly hall come together shows that when people are moved by something that is grater than themselves and, given the perception, that is meant for the common good, then we can achieve great works.

    I know, we all know the truth, but there is no argument that this side of humanity is rarely portrayed in a harmonius light. The best we've seen of humanity coming together in mainstream media always have some kind of violent twist to it. i.e. rebelions that tople oppresive governments. It is ironic that such rebelion might be due in this case as well.

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