Science is right in its details, but wrong in its direction

by exWTslave 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Science observes, studies and analyses the basic nature of all the components constituting the part of any experiment, follows the principle of Cause and Effect, and come out with equipments that would contribute to our comfort and save us lots of time and energy—all of which are ultimately aimed at making life on this earth happier, longer and healthier, thus making this world a better place to live.

    Yet man day-by-day becomes more and more unhappy and discontented, and world is becoming bitter and bitter! It means: Though Science is right in its details, it has gone wrong in its direction. It failed to rightly judge and assess the true nature of its prime object (Man) for whom it works. Science saw man as matter, hence thought he would be happier and contented if he were given more and more MATERIAL comforts and luxuries!

    However, truth is that while living in more and more MATERIAL comforts and luxuries, man is not proportionately becoming happier and more contented, because his contentment depends on the inner peace that belongs to the inner self—the more important aspect of his life (the IMMATERIAL side of his life). He is not just the material self. He is essentially a “spirit” that acts through the medium of his body. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) If we are truly objective, we can experience that everything depends on that IMMATERIAL PART that animates and sustains our bodies—once the SPIRIT departs, our bodies (including our brain which some feel as the source of our intelligence) become a terribly foul-smelling trash.

    Thus lost in direction, Science only helps people to get the material high that is not only short-lived but leaves one craving for more.

  • LogCon


  • cofty

    Science discovers facts about the world, technology invents stuff.

    Happiness is your own concern. Blaming science for your lack of happiness is like blaming a library because your dumb.

    There has never been a better time to be alive.

  • Heartofaboy

    If you still think humans are that important exWTslave have a look at the following......kinda puts things in perspective doesn't it.


    Bad Astronomy

    Galaxies swarm and light bends under dark matter's sway

    By Phil Plait | October 14, 2011 7:08 am

    Before I do anything else, I simply have to present this insanely cool Hubble image of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206, which lies at the mind-numbing distance of 4.5 billion light years from Earth:

    [Click to enclusternate, or grab the bigger 2564 x 2328 pixel version.]

    Like I said, insanely cool. The cluster has thousands of galaxies in it, and a total mass of something like a quadrillion — that’s 1,000,000,000,000,000 — times the mass of our Sun!'

  • QC

    exWTslave: Science only helps people to get the material high that is not only short-lived but leaves one craving for more.

    I agree totally.

    It’s like the tide, the newest temporary wave of the material shinny sparkling things rolls in, and then ebbs away into emptiness.

    The “next wave” is on its way.

    Vicious cycle!

  • prologos

    science is like evolution, it is now very specialized, feels for the opening niches of interesting questions, and develops its new insights into it. It might come in waves, but it is a rising tide with a forever trend so far. and

    the rising tide lifts all boats, sooner or later.

    did evolution take us in the wrong direction?

  • OrphanCrow

    From this article here:

    How Religion Got In the Way

    Science is what we know, and spirituality is how we coexist philosophically, psychologically and emotionally with that knowledge. Science gives us the information; spirituality helps us wrap our heads around it. The two lead us as a tag team, each taking care of their critical halves of the “figuring it all out” puzzle—when science tells us something shocking, like “The Earth is revolving around the sun and not vice versa!” we turn, wide-eyed, to spirituality and ask, “How does that change things? How does that transform the way we should think about ourselves, about the world, and about life?”

    Under this definition, spirituality is a secular concept, and the idea that spirituality and science are diametrically opposed to each other is incorrect—they’re two halves of the same quest. As usual, Carl Sagan says it best:

    “Spirit” comes from the Latin word “to breathe.” What we breathe is air, which is certainly matter, however thin. Despite usage to the contrary, there is no necessary implication in the word “spiritual” that we are talking of anything other than matter (including the matter of which the brain is made), or anything outside the realm of science…Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual…The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.

    As humanity continues to learn, science and spirituality should be collaborative, innovative, and forever marching forward in a state of continual evolution as new developments emerge. Science opens pathways for humans to reach higher levels of consciousness and wisdom, but only through the spiritual realm can we grow into those pathways.

    The article is well worth reading - the author is funny yet he presents a rational perspective on the relationship between spirituality and science and how it is religious thought that screws it all up.

    The cartoon in the article is perfect.


  • LostGeneration

    Yet man day-by-day becomes more and more unhappy and discontented, and world is becoming bitter and bitter

    An unsupported platitude and a massive generalization to boot. Do you have an 'unhappy meter' on the world? A bitterness ruler?

    I'm sure millions in Africa who are getting basics like clean drinking water would have a thing to say about your false premise.

    Science isn't a religion. It isn't about providing comforts or luxuries. Its about studying reality without unprovable statements like this getting in the way:

    He is essentially a “spirit” that acts through the medium of his body. (Ecclesiastes 12:7) If we are truly objective, we can experience that everything depends on that IMMATERIAL PART that animates and sustains our bodies—once the SPIRIT departs, our bodies (including our brain which some feel as the source of our intelligence) become a terribly foul-smelling trash.

  • M*A*S*H

    The "direction" of science (if one wants to assume it has a direction) points towards the unknown, right where it should.

    The closest science comes to the main thrust of your post is sociology... and I am yet to see anything suggesting " more and more MATERIAL comforts and luxuries" are the solution to our problems. Why do you posit 'science' suggests this path?

    As the majority of American's believe in the immortal soul you would think the USA would be one of the happiest places on the planet... oh wait... it's not, not by a long shot. Why is this?

    As for your little comment about 'some feel' the brain is the source of our intelligence, I am not quite sure what you are driving at? I assume you are suggesting our intelligence comes from the soul? In which case why are humans not born with fully formed personalities? If it is because the brain is not ready, then you are suggesting the intelligence of the soul can only grow with the brain, in which case you may as well do away with the soul bit is not adding anything.

    What are the implications of intelligence coming from anywhere other than the brain? Why, if intelligence is from a soul, does dementia have any effect on our aging populations? Why is a "soul brain\intelligence" affected so profoundly by damage in the brain?

  • snare&racket

    Humankind has never lived so well, been so secure, been so healthy, had such quality of life, been so safe...

    Your view of the world could not be more alien to what most people think. It is a false image the Watchtower sold you as do many religions,and you have not questioned.

    Name just one year in history when life was better than it is now........

    Is that the sound of a penny dropping?

    The old men that run watchtower live as all aged humans, with yearning for their youths. That melancholy for today's world was suffocating as a JW and it was also untrue. The world hasn't gone mad, our grandparents grew up on world wars, mass pandmedics and atom bombs. The Victorians had war, disease and the industrial revolution that offered living conditions and quality of life from hell.... Shall I continue? ....

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