"Jehovah is really blessing our family! Thanks for your visit"

by stuckinarut2 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    So I am being hounded by the elders who are staring to get suspicious about our "slackening off in the truth"

    Rather than being railroaded or pushed into a defensive or argumentative situation, I am keeping the following comment up my sleeve:

    "Jehovah is really blessing our family life. Anyway, thanks for your visit. How's life going for you and your family?"

    It was actually mentioned by another forum member, and it stuck in my mind.

    If you feel that a visit from elders will be a critical or judgemental one, or if you feel you will be pushed by elders, or if you are questioned or accusd in any way, then head it off first by casually dropping that sentence in!

    They can't do anything then! If they dare ask "how is he blessing you?", then they sound doubtful. If they outright deny it then they look petty!

    its a win win situation that gets them off your back and allows you to remain in control of your life and situation!

  • KateWild

    Excellent strategy Stuck!!!

    I am so glad you have a good response, but hopefully they won't approach you. Being positive about things is a real kick in the teeth, I like it very much. This thread can help others in your situation too. Reading the litterature and all the hypocrisy and double standards could possibly be counter productive to your family being blessed. Do you think you can read less WT propaganda?

    Kate xx

  • AlphaMan

    When elders visit, I like the idea of hounding them....FOR MONEY.

    Elders: We've missed you at the meetings.

    Stuck: I've had some unexpected expenses and have had to work a lot lately. On top of that, now I'm tired on the weekends and some depression is setting in.

    Elders: Coming to the meetings will solve all your problems. (or some BS to that effect)

    Stuck: That's all well and good, but if any of you elders on the body had a spare $10,000 you could do without.....at this point in time would really go a long way in freeing up my time for the meetings.

    Elders: Errrr....Jehovah will provide. Ok...well....we need to go now.

  • stuckinarut2

    I like it alpha man!

    But you know what their reply would be to that!? "Well, you obviously haven't really relied on Jehovah as yet, or you have made unwise decisions that have put Jehovah to the test...so that's why you are in financial difficulty"

    They have an answer for everything.

    Still, your post made me laugh.

    Kate, thankyou! Yep...I'm determined to remain calm, dignified and in control of any situation that arises.

  • Divergent

    I guess one of the elders brought up your spiritual slackening at an elders' meeting, after which one or two elders were assigned to follow up on you & find out the reasons why you are slacking

    I'm guessing so as that was exactly what happened to me before

  • Divergent

    Just to elaborate further, one of the elders approached me & told me that he would like to meet with me together with another elder. When I told him that I would be ok with it on condition that the other elder be replaced with another one (I requested specifically for a certain elder who was more compassionate & understanding), he told me that it would not be possible as he was assigned to follow up on me with the other elder by the body of elders

  • punkofnice

    one of the elders approached me & told me that he would like to meet with me together with another elder.

    Wonder why? Have I missed something? Does this strike you as being a tad 'investigative'?

  • Divergent

    Seems that after I learned TTATT, some of my actions caused alarm bells to ring... LOL

  • StarTrekAngel

    haha! The only problem I see with your theory is that eventually, if the conversation does not end there, they will tell you that unless you are attending meetings, goind to fields service and conducting a mountain of bible studies, then more likely the blessings you are receiving are from satan. See, that is the only way that the father will give you things by addition, if you seek the kingdom first. Satan is trying to deceive you and they are there to rescue you. NOT!

    If you want a specific elder and he is not available, tell them you can wait until he free.

  • piztjw

    I found another couple, IMO, excellent statements/questions to use when they start their hounding.

    First I say, "Let's look at the Bible, and see what is written there about what you are saying." Usually they will decline, as they do not want to get into any kind of debate they will likely lose. When they decline I ask them, "Don't you respect what the Bible says?" If they answer "Yes', then I continue using the Bible to refute their intrusion into my business. If they say "No" they have effectivcely denied their own beliefs, and I tell them so.


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