Website owners can get reports of IP addresses that visit their website. It would be funny to find out if this site gets regular visits from WT locations.
Do any Bethel/WT ip addresses visit here often?
by EndofMysteries 16 Replies latest jw friends
What would be the point? What would it prove or not prove? How would it help?
Simon I would think it would be quite reassuring to know that our voices are been heard. Do you have any proof as such.
I maybe wasn't clear enough ...
What would an IP address accessing the site from bethel tell us?
Only that someone from bethel accessed the site ...
Is that of much value? It doesn't tell us *who* or *why* does it?
It could be someone clicking on a link from elsewhere, someone having doubts and trying to find information, someone looking for copyright violations or any number of things in between.
I'm not going to start feeding conspiracy theories and don't need to seek the validation that some seem to of "bethel monitors my site! (so I must be important, right? Please tell me I'm important !!!)"
I don't think it necessarily speaks to the importance of the website, although I do admit i share in the morbid curiosity of knowing this.
However, because of the way people access the internet, it's almost useless to look that up. Every cat in bethel has an internet capable cell phone, and only a complete moron would use a "company" computer to access this website. Then again, these are bethelites we are talking about...
THANKYOU for your hard work.
Just finished lunch and back to work for me.
What would the point be? It's mostly a curiosity. But what could it mean? I find it funny that some topics and things discussed here end up in WT's within a year.
Anyway if there are visitors from WT property, then it means either faders who are in Bethel or people in the borg monitor this to know what the ex JW community is thinking or reacting or even use it to plan their rebuttals and other articles.
Simon, sorry but you are important!
impossible to know for sure.
first, one would have to know what the ip addresses for bethel are...
You can do reverse IP address lookups. If the person is a basic roadrunner subscriber and it's a dynamic IP address, then it will go to the hub of that IP address, usually within the general area of where they are located. If they have a static IP address or a corporation, usually it's a set IP address and the trace will take you to the property address.
If you are ever curious who spam,scam emails come from, copy the 'originating' IP address and pop it in a free online tracker. If you do that to one of those, "I inherited 300 million and want to deposit 10 million into your account" emails, then it's probably going to show you an address from nigeria.