BILLYTEB - Watched CHICAGO Saturday night after the mtg just to see that number! Just about says it all. (Excellent movie BTW)
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions 443 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW GoneBad
I couldn't help but see a theme of belligerence and arrogance in the U.S. JW Branch visit and the $13.5 JW Child Abuse court case:
1. Hundreds of thousands witnessed as JW Governing Body member Anthony Morris came across very belligerent and arrogant in his talk entitled: 'Is Your Family A Spiritual Family?'
2. The court system and attorney Irwin Zalkin recently witnessed how the WT Legal Department came across very belligerent and arrogant in the way WT attorneys conducted themselves in a court case where WT was ordered to pay $13.5 for child molestation.
Conclusion: Belligerence and arrogance must run rampant among the Leadership and higher-ups of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society!!!
ha ha ha at that pic posted by respectful observer and also at the comments that follow
Is that an ankle I see?!? Disgusting!
Hell, I was a MTS grad, elder, regular pioneer and I STILL didn't get any "sisters" interested. What a crock o $hit.
That's OK, cause I have a great NON-JW wife who loves me anyway. I have been out 7+years now, I have the better deal.
Snakss (Rich)