Why settle for one when they could have gone the whole nine yards and included the eight donkeys from the GB? It just hit me! That would make for much too many ass***** at the nativity!!
"Confidential" JW.ORG Video Project Leaked
by Emery 50 Replies latest jw friends
Well, maybe they read my comments about not having a single video or drama featuring Jesus. I mean, holy hell, you would think that Christ's brothers would have made one drama or film about their big bro in 100 friggin years!!
I bet its stupid. It won't matter anyway because they keep holding to the literal 144,000. Telling all to partake would be a test of faith for many dubs. They don't even read the bible, and they don't understand the new covenant. If you are an XIAN, you partake.
DD: I mean, holy hell, you would think that Christ's brothers would have made one drama or film about their big bro in 100 friggin years!!
This is a pretty glaring omission on their part!
Well, YEAH!!! Think about it. The ONE TRUE religion in the history of mankind can't make one God damn video or drama about Jesus. Christ's brothers can't make on drama or video about Jesus?!?! WTF?!?!?
Let me repeat: The ONE TRUE religion, ran by Jesus own brothers, cannot make a single drama or movie about Jesus in 100 God damn years. Yet they CAN make millions in real estate. Holy F***. If that doesn't bother you, then you are beyond help.
The video starts off with Joseph and Mary in a manger and there's even a donkey in it.
Why would Gerrit Loesch be in this scene? These GB guys never pass up an opportunity to appear in a WT video.
Is there a real baby Jesus?
Imagine the stage door mommies lining up with their babies for that gig.
Move over Honey booboo!
Which one of the G.B.members is the donkey .....oh, thats right they all are.
Once again, I will enjoy just dropping the following line to my wife (and others in the cong:)
"I was thinking about the memorial season for next year, and I reckon it would be great if the GB could produce a video we could use in the ministry to invite people to the memorial!"
Then, watch their faces in a few months when it gets announced!
Victory yet again for us "apostates" and our "foreknowledge" of things before the average witness!!
and there's even a donkey in it.
Which member of the governing body is this? (Oh, I've been beaten to this one)
It doesn't sound new really. We had all those video tapes back in the day about how marvellous the org was.
I've seen similar with the Mormans and others.
Well at least we know the governing body(R) loves everybody
I don't know how a video invitation would work?
Currently there's a 'special effort' to spend extra time in the ministry, and 1,000's of leaflets are ordered.
To start with, the leaflets are used like at any other time, ie. knock, discuss, invite, but the week before the memorial the elders notice we still have 5,000 leaflets in the cupboard so it's a crazy post-fest for the remaining few days.Villages are swept through in a day, housing estates gobbled up by maniacal leafleteers.
Stopping to show a 3 minute video to everyone would kill the number of leaflets posted (which, don't forget, are now included on your monthly report), and would leave the congregations with boxes of memorial invites.
Maybe the news is that the Memorial will be prerecorded by a GB member and broadcast into each hall.