Sometimes, I feel like my life has been summed up by a Grateful Dead quote: "what a long strange trip it's been".
After many years as a Witness, I discovered that I worked with gay people - and that they struggled to pay a mortgage and had pretty much the same problems as everyone else. What was I concerned about? How does their getting married have any negative effect on my life?
I discovered that some women could manage a technical enterprise better than some men. Since heavy lifting or wielding a sword is not required much in our time, this should not be surprizing ( I told myself). How many Witness women can read the phrase "husbandly owner" without the slightest thought about what it implies? (Say what?)
And now a big issue: child sexual abuse. Some years ago, a former CO ( James Brown) offered a surprizingly candid comment about the Watchtower's problem with child molestation - they didn't see it coming and didn't realize that the general public would react so strongly to it.
I think he was telling the truth --and that's the problem!
The Bible seems to say little or nothing about this serious moral problem! How can that be? (a long reference but it admits the omission)
But wait - how about slavery also?
It amazes me how the US Civil War struggle over slavery ever got started when in fact the Bible allows chattel slavery!
How did Northern preachers 'go beyond the scriptures' to attack slavery when it was permitted by the Bible?
So, this problem - of what the Bible actually justifies or ignores - has been with us for a long time.
I respect the Bible as a unique book - which, more than any other, got us to the degree of civilization that we enjoy today.
But in regard to child sexual abuse or slavery as examples, have we passed its standards by, as modern people? That it is obsolete?
I could go on with regard to a number of topics but chose the above as the most obvious in that Bible standards fit a primitive culture but often lack practicality in the year 2014. The Koran works the same way.
Ironic isn't it? That such profound advances in moral conduct come from 'worldly' governments, supposedly led by Satan -while those who 'stick to following the Bible' fall behind?
You Bethel Lurkers reading this might want to think about that fact next time you hear the Watchtower offer any public excuse about 'following the Bible' whenever they get caught covering up child sexual abuse.