Millerites, Jehovahs Witnesses and Purple Triangles

by Simon 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Simon

    I came across this after posting another IQ video to a different topic. Interesting how much the Jehovahs Witnesses are featured ... but it is because they are a millenial cult with failed rapture prophecies:

    Great show, I miss it. Thank god Google for YouTube!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just so you know, clicking on the video gets me "This video is not available in your country."

  • Simon

    Really? Sorry - works in Canadia.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Doesn't play in New Jersey either.

  • OrphanCrow

    Only in Canada, eh?

    Entertaining video, Simon.

    Here is a photo of one of Charles Russell's 'great disappointments'.

    This photo was taken in 1914 in Jerusalem where Russell and some of his special friends went to await the 'Rapture'. Apparently, the whole miraculous 'Return of Christ; happened right there and then - invisibly.

  • cofty

    Love Stephen Fry.

    If you can't get the video he is talking about William Miller's "Great Disapointment" of 1844.

    They were so sure the end was coming on a specific day one man threw himself from a barn roof on the stroke of midnight fully expecting to be caught away with the lord.

    The he mentions that JWs had purple tirangles in the concentration camps.

  • Balaamsass2

    Doesn't work in California. Polite Canadian conspiracy.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Great to see that, thanks for posting. I'd love to watch this with the missus..

  • rebel8

    1914 in Jerusalem where Russell and some of his special friends went to await the 'Rapture'.

    Ok so this is confusing. I found that photo on It says CTR and The Judge went to Jerusalem with that group to be the 1st to experience the rapture.

    So what did they do, teleport back to NY?

    “Quite a few delegates stayed at Bethel, and, of course, members of the headquarters staff were present at the breakfast table on Friday morning, October 2. Everyone was seated when Brother Russell entered. As usual, he said cheerily, “Good morning, all.” But this particular morning was different. Instead of proceeding promptly to his seat, he clapped his hands and joyfully announced: “The Gentile times have ended; their kings have had their day.” “How we clapped our hands!” exclaims Cora Merrill. Brother Macmillan admitted: “We were highly excited and I would not have been surprised if at that moment we had just started up, that becoming the signal to begin ascending heavenward—but of course there was nothing like that, really.” Sister Merrill adds: “After a brief pause he [Russell] said: ‘Anyone disappointed? I’m not. Everything is moving right on schedule!’ Again we clapped our hands.”” Yearbook 1975 pp.72,73

  • Kalos


    Thank you for that photo and summery.

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