What would it take to get you outa there?

by sparrowdown 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • OneEyedJoe

    bigmac - I've often thought about that myself. I'm thinking in about 20 years the bulk of the pre-information age folks will have died off and many will realize that they never "made the truth their own" at that point. plus this will coincide with the failure of the overlapping generation time limit, so I can see this being a huge drop off point for the cult. If they see it coming, I suspect they'll push 2034 as the date for armageddon, but that will fail and many will leave.

    I can't wait that long, though...

  • KateWild

    I was full on in when I was in. Even though I was DF'd it still wasn't the push that made me leave, but when I got turned down for reinstatement five times and learned TTATT, then I left completely. Thankfully my grown up daughter left too.

    Kate xx

  • DesirousOfChange

    DATA-DOG: The very instant you learn that the GB have no special power, you question everything.

    Well said. When I learned there was no voodoo hocus-pocus Holy Spirit direction (as I had truly believed for decades), everything else was suspect.

    BIGMAC: when these elderly parents pass on--the wts will lose those members--------which will then leave the doubting younger generation free to quit ---so double losses for the cult. good result.

    Which is why they are baptizing "infants" (well, almost) -- to get their hooks in them early.


  • RubaDub

    If they ever say that the horn-blowing didn't start in Cedar Point Ohio in 1922 then I am out the door.

    Rub a Dub

  • Giordano

    If they said Shunning is no longer necessary nor desired I think 30% would be out the door immediately or within a year with the smart ones making sure it wasn't a trap set by the WT...LOL

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Mandatory literal tithing, like the Mormons. I would have a real problem with that.

  • sparrowdown

    Whether you are backing out slowly or burning rubber as you leave.

    Just keep on moving towards that exit door.

    Then when the dust starts to settle, you will wonder what you were

    so afraid of and those that really love you may even thank you for it.

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Mentally I am out. I am waiting for the shoe to drop so that I can leave without it affecting my family. That won't be too far off based on all the foolishness that is touted as truth. Sooner or later, they will state something or demand something that will be so inconceivable to the average JW with half a brain that will allow me to move on without recourse.

  • sparrowdown

    BTW Phizzy- When I was trapped by the fear of what others would think of me

    if I stopped going I was paralyzed by it. But as I faded I was both surprised and a little

    disappointed at how little others were actually bothered by it.

    The sky didn't fall, I didn't get struck by lightening it was mostly an unfounded fear.

    Sure you will always get the judgy ones and it can test out a marriage and relationships,

    but ultimately the sun will still come up tomorrow etc etc.

    I agree also with what you said about self respect I think that is key to changing someone's

    attitude towards this self imposed prison called the congregation.

    I like to look at it this way

    The roof may have caved in, but now I can see the sky! YIPPEE

  • flipper

    SPARROWDOWN- This is a very good thread. Great question ! Thanks for making the thread. Although I've been " out "now for 11 years - I really agree with your statement " people only change when it becomes too uncomfortable for them not too ". Excellent observation - one which I totally agree with. It's like the expression that each person has to reach his or her " breaking point " where you just can't take it anymore . Until that time comes however- a person will keep fooling themself that they can go on with the charade and plastic reality . Sometimes it takes a heavy dose of being personally hurt by the injustices of the WT Society and suffering many different types of abuse before we say " I've had enough ". That's what happened to me 11 years ago- and I've never looked back. I'm happier now than I've ever been ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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