My comment was a direct reply to what you wrote. Anyway, it doesn't matter now since what you wrote has been erased
Why the WTBTS is liable for Sex Abuse Cases
by Coded Logic 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
All these posters with their opinions are not traiined lawyers. Conti and the present case presented unsual fact patterns. The WTBTS is fairly insulated from the actions of invidivual JWs. Individual JWs are not educated or trained by the WT. They receive no money compensation from the WT. Indeed, they are not agents of the WT. This runs against what many JWs believe but it is the truth. Wikipedia must have articles on negligence law. These cases are not simple. The trial judge has no power to set California law. The appellate courts will do so.
In another post, some member quoting, attorney Zalkin against me. Thank you for the compliment. I will not stand against excessive personal injury verdicts any day. Negligence law was formed during the Middle Ages and changed during the era of railroad expansion in the United States. I stand witht he majority of the bar. A relatively quick system of compensation where proof is offered outside of trial courts would serve American interests much better. The $13 million award will definitely spread to the costs consumers pay across the board. Rather than quoting the likes of Zalkin to me, show me that JWs have more pedophile abuse by comparing actual court awards to other religious groups. Such a move is rational discourse, not ignorance of the most fundamental aspects of law and economics.
Got it. Fair enough. Regardless you are right. Molestation is an awful crime and should be reported as such. It's an awful thing that ruins peoples life's. I hope that the lawsuits against the Borg keep coming.
I guess that my original point is that as a parent I couldn't imagine not going to police if someone molested my kids. I would do all that I could to destroy the molesters life.
All these posters with their opinions are not traiined lawyers.
Pardon us, your worshipfulness, please excuse our ignorance, and thank you for your magnanimousnessosity in deigning us to share your cyberspace.
The GB/ORG have a special relationship with the R&F. This was brought out by Rick Simmons. The jury agreed.
"Take Daniel Fitzwater for example. He had complaints from 20 seperate witnesses reporting abuse on file at the Watchtower branch. But since none of the complaints met the "two person rule" nothing was done to him."
In fact, the elders can act on two reports of similar wrongdoing. You would think that in a matter as serious as this, they would get the message.
Shepherding the Flock, Section 5
If there are two or three witnesses to the same kind of wrongdoing but each one is witness
to a separate incident, the elders can consider their testimony. While such evidence
is acceptable to establish guilt, it is preferable to have two witnesses to the same occurrence of
wrongdoing. -
The Searcher said,
IMHO, the most perplexing aspect of the whole filthy process is the blind obedience to Elders by Witness parents.
If I had a child who was sexually assaulted by anyone, I would instantly report the matter to those who are competent to deal with crimes - the police! Why on earth would I want to report such an atrocity to a couple of window cleaners?????
If I came home to find a Witnesses had raped my wife or child, would I 'phone Brother Elderlord to ask for his advice?
Are so many Witnesses that brain-dead??????????
Waken up brothers - quickly, and see how your Glorious Ones couldn't care less about you or your family!! (Principle they follow = John 11:48)
I found out that an old friend I grew up with, and lived with his family as a teen, is one of those parents, after meeting his adult son through JWD. It was all I could do, to keep myself from storming to his house and DEMAND how he could allow this abuse of his CHILD? Not just allow, but conspire to cover it up! argghhh I used to think he was a gentle, harmless yet misled person. Now, I spit on him.
Why is there an established registration of child sex offenders in most modernized countries ?
Answer .... because its known that that these individuals many times re-offend.
With that knowledge in hand not telling people in a JW congregation or anther religious organization that a known
person who is has been legally identified as such, is attending a public Church or Kingdom Hall as it may be,
shows careless irresponsible disregard for the safety of those attending members and is therefore duly libel.
Another thing that can happen at times, pointed out offenders move around to different locations.
If the congregation elders recognize the person and know why he was Dfed and doesn't make it known within that congregation
and he or she victimizes someone there, this also is an act of care less irresponsibility.
Separation of Powers
The Paedophile issue is my single biggest gripe and has been since long before I faded. I heard something the other day that really solidified the issue for me. Penn State had their whole issue with paedophile problem, one commentator condemn Penn State for not addressing the problem even though they knew it existed. He said one of the most profound things I have ever heard and it relates directly to the ORG's mentality. He said, "Penn State was more concerned about the BRAND Penn State then the innocent victim."
Penn State has always been considered an illustrious university with an illustrious sports program. When those things become more important than the victim, you have a serious problem with your moral compass. Well, what about the ORG? What's wrong with THAT moral compass?
Separation of Powers, you quoted:
He said, "Penn State was more concerned about the BRAND Penn State then the innocent victim."
Penn State has always been considered an illustrious university with an illustrious sports program. When those things become more important than the victim, you have a serious problem with your moral compass. Well, what about the ORG? What's wrong with THAT moral compass?
This has been a tough blow to the sports culture, and well, at least some good has come of it. People like yourself sat back, thought about it, and said "What the ****?"
You speak truth. That is all we need to do, and the truth will out! Much love to you, for refusing to wear the 'blinders', and speaking out.