It's a bit more than "allegations"...a judgment has already been made, as anyone who bothered to look at the news about it will know.
Child sex abuse cases mentioned at weekly meeting?
by HeyThere 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
@sparrowdown, according to the woman that told me, ( i just confirmed with her) they specifically mentioned molesting of children. Something to the speed of "Lately there have been priests molesting and raping children and now they are trying to attack the Jehovah's Witnesses..."
Its pretty bold of them to call it a lie. Does the 2 witness rule exist or dosent it? If it does, why is it so hard to believe that this would be the result?
Iown Mylife
I stayed in "God's organization" until the koolade was bitter as hell - which was when stuff going on finally affected me and my family PERSONALLY. Once I found out what these unbelievable hypocrites had been doing in God's name and for God's sake i wanted to have no kind of connection with them. Any more than I would want to be known as a member of any sort of criminal outfit.
It is a cult, and it is bad.
Marina, I agree. I have never been an official jw, but made it to unbaptized pub earlier this year. My husband is born in but was inactive when I met and married him, and for over a decade of our marriage. There were a number of things that happened in a short period of time that made me leave, despite my husband's protests. I saw a news article about Candice conti, was damn near bullied into signing an advance directive to prohibit blood for a major surgery ( those blood videos are so biased! Omg! Big Red flag for me) and my husband and his families response to my questions, as well as members of the hall I was attending, the ladies I studied with.
WHAT I have learned about this cult cannot be unlearned, and I simply will not support such a corrupt organization. Sure, there are good things, such as some of the people, teaching of morals, etc. But the bad does outweigh the good. The good people in the org would still be good people outside of the org. The org itself is manipulative, the writing is manipulation of emotions at its finest, and the way they always ask for money, talk so badly about other religions, hypocritical behavior, no transparency with spending, hiding child molesters, etc. The bad is soooooooo bad. It's organized crime, really. Protected under the guise of religion.
More to add to my rant
I have not attended anything watchtower since June. My husband was actually shunning me for a period of time because I had questioned the org. Normal people just don't do that, this cult gets so deep with the emotions of the congregation that normalcy changes. It is unnerving.
We have been fine for the past few months, we just do not talk religion. A few days ago I asked if he heard about the recent case. He hadnt. I told him how the gb refused to provide documents and even to testify despite court orders. His response: they just don't want to be in the spotlight. So I said, to avoid the spot light they would risk contempt of court or losing millions of dollars? He shrugged. He does know the child abuse topic is one that convinced me to stop going. I pushed with one more statement about how there are many more cases in the pipeline all showing known child sex abusers were allowed to remain in the cong and more kids were harmed as a result. This whole issue and how so many JW's ignore it bothers me greatly.
Yes, there is always the option of focusing on the good and ignoring the bad. But that is how evil wins.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. (Edmond burke)
Love that quote!
Turning a blind eye only allows the evil to continue and more children to be victimized.
Makes me sick at how passive JW's continue to be...such a weak bunch of followers.
Band on the Run
They could say that it is a human problem, present in all societies and at all times, and that liability standards have changed since the public will no longer condone pedophiles. No, blame the victim. Also, one elder cannot speak for the WTBTS.
They are not falling over new ground. The experience of other religions in this area is very public. Their organizational structure protects them from much liability. It is not an accident. The regular JW members can go to prison or the draft or lose a child b/c of the blood doctrine, My family members and their friends had no legal advice nor the means to pay for it. The GB has legal advice.
Pedophiles will infiltrate every religion. Given the experience of other religions, a smart mpve would be to detach Bethel Legal from these transactions. Keep it local. They want control.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York has not declared bankruptcy as far as I know. I expect I would know. The New York Times reported that a major American city's diocese was considering doing so in order to avoid paying legal judgments. I believe the article prob. triggered a response from the Vatican and other sources. The Roman Catholic Church is reforming its ways. Its lawyers made matters much worse by a ruthless scorched earth policy towards victims. New lawyers were hired. We know there is no place in the Witesses for dissent.
It's all really about forcing any organization to have policies in place to safeguard it's members. Especially important for a religious organization that holds such control over it's members - promoting the idea that 'elders' and others should have the blind and unquestioning obedience of children that they preside over is clearly dangerous. Failure to protect children shows a neglect of duty of care.
Covering up known abuse and moving people around to abuse again is something that some ladder of the organization is responsible for.
If they are mentioning it at meetings it's probably to pre-empt the news and general knowledge becoming more public. It's hard to imagine the faith of some won't be shocked as a result, especially if there are more cases in the pipeline.
They'll be clear to paint it as being individuals rather than the organization bearing any responsibility.
The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York has not declared bankruptcy as far as I know. I expect I would know.
I expect we'd all know thanks to the news.
'liability standards have changed since the public will no longer condone pedophiles' - surely the public has never condoned paedophilic behaviour.
The age of consent in the UK has been 16 since 1885.