It's My Turn

by OneFingerSalute 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210
    OneFingerSalute6 hours agoWell they came, and they went.
    The entire conversation of some forty-five minutes can be summed up as:
    C.O. & S.O. "Brother, you must reach out! Do more!"
    OFS "Hmm."

    sounds like you handled it pretty much the way you stated in your original post OFS.

    Good job.

  • stuckinarut2

    How about something like this ;

    " thanks but that's not something that interests me "

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Well I finally got the, "We would like to stop by with the Circus Oversneer and have an encouraging visit. Would ---------day be good, at say -----------?"

    Answer: "Well, if he really needs an encouraging visit, I might try to come up with some time for him to try to cheer him up. I realize how very depressing it must be for him to be a CO. He's probably afraid that he'll get forced off the road in a few years with no money, no particular job skills, and failing health. I remember how depressed and helpless I felt when I left bethel. I suppose I could share my experiences about getting my degree and a great career, I'm much happier now than I've ever been before in my life. So I think I might be able to encourage the poor guy."

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