Has anyone ever gotten disfellowshipped for going to University?
by SonoftheTrinity 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jehovah's Witnesses claim no one is disfellowshipped for pursuing Higher Education. Somehow it seems there must be some halfwit sorry excuse for an elder somewhere who personally felt threatened by over educated young whippersnappers and decided to mark every nerd he could point his sweaty little finger with. -
I have never heard of a jw being df'd for attending uni alone....perhaps something that came out of being at the uni.
But I doubt that they would be used in the congregation (like sound), be appointed an MS, elder, or regular pioneer.
60 years of experience
I know of no DFing cases for simply attending university.
I do know of at least 3 cases of young persons attending college and still being allowed special privileges/assignments.
One young brother who commuted to university from home, attending all meetings, etc and continued to be used as MS. From very prominent "clergy" family in JWLand. Father continued to serve as Elder with many special positions/assignments at circuit & district level.
Two young sisters. One lived away from home attending university, but lived with elderly JW sister in that town. She frequently aux pioneered while in college. Father remained serving as elder. The second young sister commuted from home attending nursing school, still attending meeting, FS, etc. Aux pioneered for "special" months of activity.
Some of it is "who you know" and a lot depends on their "continued spiritual routine".
I served as a MS while attending university. No special connections; my father was, I believe, a MS at the time, but no relatives who were elders or anything. This was 7-8 years ago; I understand they have since renewed their harder stance on higher educations. -
Slidin Fast
I know of elders that had to stand down because their kids went. I also know others who allowed it without a ny sort of negative effect on them. I know of one person that came into a cong whilst in the middle of his masters degree and was appointed immediately as an elder. There is no uniformity except in writing and theory. Congs apply the direction as they see fit. -
I don't know for America, but I can say in France, I never see by myself (since 1990) this staying away for high studies to be actual. I think this advice was never really followed by french JW. (All the JW I know, and was able to do it, made at least three years of University).
It's impossible to not make university here. Without high diploma, you can just live under a bridge. Or you have to be manual!
While you are in university you may be shunned but as soon as you get the degree bethel will call you up to volunteer. -
I think they'd be hard pressed to justify DFing someone for going to college, but as is often said around here you can be DF'd for literally anything that 3 elders agree on.
The only exception that I could think of is if someone went to an overtly religious college, especially if they require that you take classes on religion, as many do. But even so, I've never heard of anyone getting DF'd for that.
No one can be dfd for attending uni. When I was going to uni, I was told I can't be made MS but immediately I completed, they called me up for ms and when I said no, they didn't take it for an answer until I complied. Such bizarre reasoning. -
St George of England
Latest (Jan 2015) jw.tv programme is TOMO III ranting on about Higher Education again.
If you want to see the idiot in action it's an hour long.