Is that all there is....................????????? Spandex and tight jeans drives Bethelites nutzzzz ??????????
US Zone visit
by obarac 55 Replies latest watchtower bible
Oh my god.
I'm glad I didn't go with my mom tonight, not that I was gonna go anyway but with that? Yeah. Guilt trip to the extreme to the max.
Those reasons highlighted are the very points on why I cannot be there anymore.
Were there any figures given regarding the preaching work or info on what is happening at Wallkill?
I recorded it except the final prayer. I will try to upload it tomorrow. For those who want to torture themselves. Hey, you can here the tight pants comments yourselves! Crazy sheeeeet right there.
I have it today, Sunday 9th.( ET )
I am not looking forward to waste 3 hs of my Sunday.
Saying that if you don't push yourself and have a full share in the FS theN god will look down and see blood on your hands and kill you is the ultimate guilt trip.
Won't this just fire up the typical witness judgemental and critical mindset again!
Judge everyone even more...and feel justified doing so because "it came from one of christs brothers!"
Sick f#cks
In short, we've been doing alot of building.....lets sing! Now while you are still standing we remind you to donate your checks payable to JW's (not your local KH), or swipe your card if at an assembly hall! Now we're gonna tell you how we managed to wave money at Stadium managers and get contracts signed in a year! Second hand relations of impressions the dubs made on EMT personell in Atlanta (after 3 sisters, healthcare workers, fulfilled their oaths to help any in an emergency) etc. Then Sam Herd gave council to the 'slackers' at Bethel about punctuality to morning worship, bible reading, indoctrination by reading the publications....yadayadayada. (he threw a few decent jokes in too) Followed by a GB helper, who happened to look like a light skinned OBAMA, gave a talk about something......ill have to check my notes. In conclusion, A. Morris III gave the talk about family study, doing the text, reading the indoctrination in the publications, his personal view on bethelites alluminum socks, tight pants and leggin's spandex the sisters are wearing. He said: "The homosexuals who design these clothes likes to see you in those tight pants!" Along with criticising sisters for marrying any brother who was 23 and not a MS. (SOCIAL CLASS DISTINCTIONS ANYONE?) So anyone who is not atleast a servant is suspect now! W/e. And that was the zone visit.
Bro Morris reminds me of Archie Bunker
Stillin: Bro Morris reminds me of Archie Bunker
Except, and I'm sure you know this, but Archie Bunker was a fictional character deliberately designed to lampoon racist bigots through satire.
Millions of people think AM the Turd is really "God's spokesman" and they should listen to him. The point of Archie Bunker was to make fun of his stereotypical bigotry and thereby demonstrate how NOT to be.