I possibly have some 'new light' to shed on Gerrit Losch's declaration and his use of so-called 'theocratic warfare'. In the declaration he claims that he was never employed by the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. This could be 'technically' true but an obfuscation of reality just the same. I still have my Bethel 'induction' letter (invitation) and my Bethel discharge letter. The invitation letter came from the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc and the discharge letter came from the Watchtower, Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. So when Gerrit Losch was invited to serve at Bethel he may have been invited by the Pennsylvania corporation. In the future, perhaps when the Watchtower Society is sued, the lawyers involved should sue EVERY single corporation and legal entity that has the name of Watchtower connected to it and that way no one from the Governing Body can use 'weasel words' in regards to their association with any Watchtower corporation.