"Life is so hard!...tribulation and problems abound!" Persecution complex of witnesses.....

by stuckinarut2 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    WTW, !!!!

    I have family who are having a hard financial time. They moved out of their country and failed to plan ahead. They left it all in Jeehoobies hands! What does that mean? They have no jobs, no money flowing in because Jeehoobie has not provided it yet! How will Jeehoobie provide? Other family members will send them money, of course!

    The sad thing is that they could have planned ahead for a move IF they had decent educations and jobs FIRST! Since that is demonized by the GB pedo-protectors, its hard to make ends meet! Satan has nothing to do with the financial woes of Xians.


  • Divergent

    Agreed. It's really ridiculous that many blame Satan for problems which are self-inflicted in the first place!

  • PhilJonesIII

    The persecution-philes!

    Nothing new here. Even in my innocent days of religous enthusiasm, looking forward to God's new order and living forever in paradise ( ad nausium ) there were experiences related by others that I considered absurd.

    The early days when a 'sound van' ( A truck with a megaphone ) would trawl the streets proclaiming god's word and generally scaring the horses.

    One such van parks outside a catholic church on a Sunday morning and promptly starts calling the pope 'the antichrist' and other less-than-polite things.

    Between that and beating a hornets nest with a stick, the hornets win for me.

    The van overturned and the occupants soundly beaten ( pun intended ) by an irate catholic congregation. I guess they get nasty after the wine.

    The occupants were proud of their 'persecution'.

    Perhaps they should add that the stupid also get persecuted.

  • Zordino

    This is one of the things I hated most about hanging around witlesses. they're always so doom and gloom. Yes life's got its bumps but I know for a fact that witlesses are programed to only have negative views of the world and then it ends of becoming a self fullfilling prophecy for them. JW's generally tend to have a shitier life than non JW's simply because they are told not to pursue anything worthwhile in this life and end up socially, financially and phsycologicaly damaged. Having such a skewed world view will eventually make a person more unhappy and depressed as the years go on.

  • punkofnice

    public talk called "coping with life's difficulties"

    Don't tell me......the remedy is:

    OBEY the holy holy holy GB



    OBEY the holy holy holy GB

    OBEY the holy holy holy GB

    Do not forward non essential emails

    No tight trousers

    OBEY the holy holy holy GB

    OBEY the holy holy holy GB

    ...yup. Nothing like doom and gloom to get the money coming in so the GB can continue to enjoy loving and protecting their like minded paedophiles.

  • stuckinarut2

    That's about it Punky!

    Wow...you could write the public talk scripts!

  • stuckinarut2

    Revived this thread in light of the 2016 convention videos being shown!

    "Persecution and Tribulation" abound..."life is hard"....

  • rebelfighter

    Thanks for bringing this back. I was not here when this first appeared but this was definitely the "Elders" attitude at the time and I was getting a tad bit tired of Satan!!

  • BluesBrother

    They certainly do foster the persecution complex. Some buy it more than others. Many are more reasonable but some are prone to be constantly saying that "Satan is making things hard for me right now". For them, everything is a test that Jehovah allows in order that they can show their loyalty, like Job.

    In my experience, and in observing the family, life is harder if you try to keep up all the J W things as well as just get on with living. Most have to work, K H meetings twice a week, meeting parts to prepare...and you can never do enough field service. It all adds to the pressure of life for them. Then they have to think twice before enjoying relaxing in front of the telly "is this theocratic? shouldn't we watch the JW Broadcast?"


  • konceptual99

    Too right BB!

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