"Between the Lines" of the Branch Visit

by TTATTelder 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    I am starting this thread to discuss the financial points I picked up during the branch visit.

    Firstly - As an elder we were told that all donations from the event - local and worldwide work were to be sent to the branch. First of all - could the money-grab be any more obvious given these instructions? Is it even legal to take funds a person gave to a non-profit for one specific purpose (pay the light bill) and allocate them for another (www slush fund)? It certainly isn't honest or ethical.

    What's funny, though, is our hall was so stunned by the Tony Turd debacle that they hardly donated anything. The combined donations were like 10 bucks or something. It was hilarious.

    This is the bigger point I wanted to share about the actual Branch Visit broadcast:

    They mentioned by name REGIONAL TRANSLATION OFFICES.

    They even referred to them at one point as RTO's. Like that's the cool way of saying it. LOL.

    They said they have something like 276 RTO projects in the works that consist of new construction and/or remodels.

    On this forum we already know about some suspicious real eastate purchases that have been labelled "For Translation Work". So as of this branch visit this weekend, they have made public their full intention to buy and develop real estate under this bogus "Regional Translation Office" banner.

    *Newsflash* - translation can be done anywhere! This is obviously a blatent excuse to buy more real estate of various sizes and locations and categories in order to milk the R &F for free renovation and construction labor. Then flipping for profit of course.

    I guess we could have seen it coming.... They are not content with just flipping kingdom halls, branch offices, and assembly halls. They will now be buying office buildings, residential homes, vacation property, you name it. All under the guise of "Regional Translation Offices".

    The real estate empire expands.


  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy


    Makes sense.

  • prologos

    TTATTelder, good analysis. The purchase of the college in Palm Bay FL? water front Wales? Missionary homes closing, turned into translation offices? done anywhere desk=top publishing? one picture shows such wt set up with speakers to get the sound of these near- extinct languages. wt strategy like the tower of Babel. "divide and conquer,by language group? and

    "Marry only the LORD" or at least MS. More repression of sexual desire by narrowing the field of choice of/for Boys and Girls in loose clothing. Appealing to generate more future, aspiring Jezebels, re-enforcing the social layering in the congregations contrary to Jesus' instructions.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    An RTO can be a volunteer working from his/her own home translating materials.



    Estimated cost $300,000 USD


  • designs


    What is the Tony Turd scandal

  • truthseeker

    The question I have is who benefits?

    i don't doubt what you are saying, but who personally benefits from all this money?

    The GB live in Bethel, they have all their needs catered for, free lodging, free food, flights and travel paid for but how much do they have in terms of personal wealth?

    The only possibility left is a hostile corporate takeover of Bethel itself that will be hidden in plain sight with the invisible ones making off with the money.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Truthseeker - they need money just to keep things going. The GB have a cushy life and want to sustain it (lord knows "cult leader" wouldn't look good on a resume if they had to look for a different gig)

    We've also seen that some of the "translation offices" are beautiful, well-appointed homes that I'm sure the GB use when they travel. They've got it good and want to keep it.


    They have miniature Beth-Sarims all over the country, I bet! Plent of places to hide out, err...I mean work, just like Gerrit Loesch! Remember, he was so busy that he was unware of the court summons!

    " I vould have komplied wiv de court, iv i vould haf known earlier. I vas so busy dat I vorgot." ( Then falls asleep due to boring himself.)


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    The young people are not sticking around so maybe the number of volunteer builders and remodel workers will decline in time.

    The wt acts like the jw's are just limitless atm's - like the irs, just keep squeezing blood out of turnips. Me myself, I can barely afford one layer of government, why should I contribute to a form of government that gives NOTHING back for my money? Stacking rulers upon rulers like a big government layer cake. At least I can throw ONE of them off my back!

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