Is the Society trying to self sabotage?

by truthseeker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    Is the Society trying to self sabotage?

    Perhaps not quite self sabotage but perhaps down sizing with the intent as a sustainable operation

    The WTS. history is all over the inter-net as far as its false misleading doctrines of mankind living in the last days, Armageddon to come soon,

    basically fear mongering to incite public interest and to proliferate the WTS. published goods.


    In other words the Watchtower Corporation bullshitted profusely all throughout the 20th century.

    Most people could see it was a fraud wrapped around the operation of a publishing house but a small minority of the population appealed to the fear

    and hung on believing what the WTS was saying and that they would be protected from destruction come Armageddon.

  • 4thgen

    They are drunk with their own power and greed. Staggering around puppeting what legal tells them and then they addinng their own arrogant stupidity. Just sayin.

  • Laika

    The Watchtower religion is just run by a bunch of old conservative reactionaries. Not opening the leadership up to diversity will indeed be their own downfall.

  • Simon

    They are trying to reinvent themselves as a completely different religion than the doomsday cult that made such a big thing of dates a century ago.

    It made sense for a small group to do that back then - how better to attract publicity?!

    But now they want to be more of a lifestyle religion like the Mormons with no end in sight but lots of good cash flow for the long haul.

    They don't care if that means a big turnover of followers. If they calculate that they'll gain more people and money than they lose then that will dictate what their new "beliefs" are.

  • baltar447

    How can they become a more mainstream lifestyle religion when they are desperate for so much control over the R&F's lives?

  • punkofnice

    Is the Society trying to self sabotage?

    I think not. They are re-branding and turning a corner of sorts. Also, the leaders are self agrandising richard-heads!

  • Finkelstein

    Recently it does appear the WTS. is trying to reform itself from a high controlling regulated religion into a fun loving easier going religion, with less meetings to attend,

    less time at meetings, less time pioneering. etc.

    More popular attraction like using the Kingdom Halls for music recitals of popular secular music.


    The intent of trying to make the religion more appealing and less controlling from its past , seems to be the pressing agenda.

    And realistic why would this happen since the WTS. is trying erase its indulgent lies and corruption from its past .

    There's still is money and power to be had and you can expect the WTS. leaders are going to hang on to it for as long as they can.

  • truthseeker


    I am referring to the sudden embracing of the internet, the animated characters Sofia and Caleb, JW TV, the endorsement of the website - after the Society telling us for years that the Internet was bad bad bad.

    Also, the pillaging of Kingdom Hall funds over $5,000.

    Something feels terribly wrong about all of this, I can't put my finger on it.Also, the two overlapping generations sprang out of nowhere. Nobody could have forseen this, they dragged out the one generation for as long as they possibly could.One could call this purposeful intelligence in the art of manipulating the rank and file. Somewhere there is a hive mind at work that does not believe what they teach and preach but will do anything to keep the system going.

  • Vidiot

    Finkelstein - "Recently it does appear the WTS. is trying to reform itself from a high controlling regulated religion into a fun loving easier going religion, with less meetings to attend, less time at meetings, less time pioneering, etc. More popular attraction like using the Kingdom Halls for music recitals of popular secular music."

    It's a smokescreen, with easy incentives for the loyalists to stay loyal.

    They've recently double-downed on all their old hard-line stances on blood, shunning, evolution, and the two-witness rule.

    Don't kid yourself; it's just the appearance of "mainstreaming".

  • TheOldHippie

    "so many of the publications have been simplified and the doctrine has been so dumbed down (to the dismay of countless witnesses)."

    "So here these guys are having to give talks and have really nothing to say."

    There is much truth in these statements, there is.

    A young girl died in our neighbourhood a few years back, some 700 came to the church for the funeral, I thought to myself that the priest had a once-in-a-lifetime chance of getting a meaningful message thru to a young crowd, but all he gave was mumbo mumbo, and he even managed to pronounce the name wrongly. In another thread here, someone wisely wrote that here 1,000,000 friends were gathered - and they got a talk on dress and judgmental hierarchyism. 100,000 friends in my area a couple of years ago were connected, and what we got was a talk on how getting an education is like shooting yourself in the head.

    Some times, my friends, it seems the WT is its own worst enemy. And it seems especially so the "higher" the speaker is. I get so disappointed at the GB talks. Life ain't easy for a well-educated JW .....................

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