I’m sure you all have heard at one point or read that being an elder or MS isn’t a position higher up but rather that you work “under” the congregation.
Anthony Morris just threw that out the window! I have “privileges” in the congregation and even I was offended and felt bad for anyone who was 23 or older and not a MS!
He goes on to tell this story of how a sister wanted to marry a brother and that Anthony Morris discouraged it because he was 23 and not an MS yet. He said it showed he was “spiritually weak” that he was that age and was not a MS. He then goes on to say how it ended badly for her after she married him. Suggesting that because this kid was not a MS yet at 23 was somehow the reason for the outcome being “bad”!
Could you imagine sitting there in your late 20’s, 30’s or even 40’s and having no privileges and hearing this! Basically being called spiritually weak in front of everyone! What gives him the right to be able to tell someone whether they are spiritually weak or not based off of a man made position! I didn’t realize that the bible and god judge someone by the magic age of 23 or not being an MS.
They rant in Watchtower’s about how it’s a privilege and that you work below the congregation. Anthony Morris just put being a MS or higher up on a pedestal and that you were “lowly” or “spiritually weak” by not being one. I feel really bad for anyone sitting there that was just an old, lowly publisher. Disgusting!