I have two take aways from the zoned out meeting

by Sour Grapes 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • aintenoughwiskey

    No joke! I saw that on a list of cult behaviours. Controlling access to sex/sexual partners/marriage mates. That is some crazy ass shit! I will admit some of the sisters are hot, but no more so than in any other group. The poor things only have the two day "meet market" to find a man, so they pull out all the stops.

  • aintenoughwiskey

    double post

  • StarTrekAngel

    WOW! You guys have it all wrong! Did you not see the faith testing announcement? There is a reason it was “testing”! It was hidden, somewhat subliminal! You should be ashamed of yourselves! Had you been paying attention, such as a spiritual person like me, you would have seen noticed it.

    Had you not learned anything? Did we not study already that Jesus spent thousands if not millions of years learning from his father, Jehovah?

    Did you not see what Bro Morris said? If your kid is not an MS by age 23, you are a bad parent!

    Would your faith not be tested if you came to find out that your beloved God is a bad parent? I mean, c’mon, how worst can it possibly get? Jesus did not even get baptized by age 23, much less become an MS. What kind of father spends millions of years teaching his son with such poor outcome?

    Its official guys! We got not God anymore other than the GB

  • sowhatnow

    i missed it, forgot all about it. so it was a lets get into YOUR BUISNESS meeting?

    I wonder how many people siting there hearing this will get home and simply just stop going.

  • Zordino

    Hot sisters marrying dumb butt ugly brothers just because they have a 'position' in the Congo has been going on forever. I've seen it first hand many times.

    And the tight pants bit...... You couldn't make this sh..t up if you tried. Lol

  • Been_There_Done_That

    My wife told me her Mom called and asked is she had gone to this meeting. She had not, didn't even know about it.

    Anyway, her Mom told her that life saving information was given on how to survive Harmageddon at the meeting, and then talked about how the all JW's had to watch what they wore, and especially men needed to watch buying or wearing the suits designed by homosexual men.

    My comment was that yes, 8 Billion people are going to die at this Harmageddon, and you need to watch how you dress for the occassion, making sure that your pants aren't too tight.

    My Wife said that it was sad. I think she is finally out mentally. Yea!!!!!

  • Zordino

    How could any rational human being with 2 brain cells every be able to sit through a meeting like this and not feel like laughing out loud at the nonesense being spewed out from the platform.

  • Heartofaboy

    Sour grapes said: 'I know overweight and homely bros who have beautiful wifes.'

    Hoab says: 'I know overweight and homely sisters who have beautiful husbands'..........

  • goingthruthemotions

    Zordion: a brainwashed JW has no brain cells. they have been washed away. as is the case of my wife.

    has for seeing guys with women out of there league....I see all the time. and point this out to my wife.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I also have two take-aways from the zone visit:

    1. Take-away and get rid of GB Herd!

    2. Take-away and get rid of GB Morris!

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