So if "parents are to blame for children leaving the truth", then STEP DOWN GB!

by stuckinarut2 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    If To Mo's comments in the talk re "parents are to blame for children not being in the truth etc", (and yes, as many have already very nicely pointed out that this must therefore imply that "jehovah is to blame for satan and the angels rebelling"), doesn't this mean then that members of the GB need to step down?

    Haven't some of the GB got family that are not "in the truth"?

    Hypocrites yet again!

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Yes, good point! And what about dear, faithful, zealous Brother RUTHERFORD! I mean, HE was the one whom Jesus inspected and declared to be the very first, real, FDS! Poor Russell was only a runner-up, despite his founding the whole thing.

    But oop, wait a moment here... Didn't Rutherford's one and only son leave the religion and then refuse to have anything more to do with his father, not even attending his funeral? Such a bad, very bad son. But no matter. Jesus evidently saw from his heavenly vantage, something very special in Rutherford and thus declared him the FDS (Which we've only recently realized, close to 100 years later, thanks to the FDS and their superior spiritual understanding and enlightenment.)

    And then there is Jehovah. Poor Jehovah, with a whole 1/3 of his sons leaving and abandoning him, to become the horribly wicked and terrible demons (much like us apostates, I suppose...). Well. Thanks to the FDS, we now know it was Jehovah's fault somehow that his sons didn't remain faithful and loyal to him.

  • stillin

    Did he say that?! When? In his zone meeting talk? That's pretty condemnatory, but, then, so was the point about a sister marrying a brother who was 23 and still not an MS

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    If there was the slightest bit of doubt that GB Herd and Morris are Boneheads, their parts on the Branch Visit program put those doubt to rest!

    Definitely grade AAA Boneheads!!

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    This expression is taken out of context. Parents share blame when children leave the religion when they do not make every effort to educate their children on the correct path.

    An experience was told about a father of many children and he recognizes that the 1st five were given everything towards their spiritual development; but the last two children, parents tired, were not educated spiritually with the same dedication and thus these last two are not as involved in the religion as strong as the others are. So, the parent feels responsible for these last two not being as dedicated in their service to God.

    Also, in the same experience was said that a sister married one of the two young men, who at 22 years of age didn't have any privileges in the cong, not even a MS as should be by then; because his non-dedication to the religion, the sister was said didn't have a suitable marriage partner.

    This comment didn't imply that sisters only should marry young men who are MS; it's not a guidance or a law, just a comment taken out of the experience context.


  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Thanks for placing the comments in context GC.

  • Tech49

    Gustv, I would like to respectfully disagree. I heard the talk myself, and it was definitely implied that a younger man who is not a ministerial servant at 23 is a loser. The implication was that ANY brother not "serving" was not a "spiritual" man. And any woman foolish enough to marry such a low life is just as guilty of making poor life deciscions as this guy.

    it was pretty clear, dont fool yourself. The guilt tripping was thick!

  • piztjw

    Qouted from another thread:

    If parents are at fault for their kids leaving the organization, then, following Tony's argument to its logical conclusion, Jehovah is a failure as a father

    I remember making that point a number of years ago when an pious, pompous, holier-than-thou eldurr (C.W. in C*********d, AZ) cliamed that the Bibl;e proved parents were to blame for their kids leaving the org. He used Prov. 22: 6. I asked if he REALLY meant it when he said parents were to blame for kids leaving. He said, That's what the Bible says!" So I asked him to explain Adam, Eve, Satan, and Judas Iscariot.

  • piztjw

    @ Tech49

    I also heard the condamnation spewing from AM III's pie-hole! GC is WRONG! It was not a simple experience, but as you and I both know a not very subtle way to condamn and put down any male not "serving". I ran that treadmill for over thiry years, "reaching out" and jumping through the hoops only to see eldurrs sons, eldurrs studies, etc. fast tracked to MS and eldurr. I finally told them "take this job and shove it!"

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS has always been a apostate religion disguised as the Truth over and above other Christian beliefs.

    I left myself because I could see how indigently corrupt it was, kind of dirty up the image of god of which I built up.

    Most people within the general public could see it as a fraud of sorts and most people leave it because they witness

    themselves as being a corrupt fraud from its core operation as a religious publishing house.

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