HeyThere said she will upload zone visit as soon as she can

by Maralee 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oubliette

    "No, I'm not going door-to-door with you. Not with that dress-up. Inappropriate."

    What an asshole.

    I can't believe Anthony Moron the Turd then had the gall to say, "you elders out there listening in, you be kind now, you always want to try to imitate christ jesus ..." as if Jesus would have ever been so rude.

    These guys have lost it.

  • Theredeemer

    Jesus to Apostle John:

    "John, my brother, you mind changing your very colorful sandels before healing this man of leprosy? And, also, can you change your inner garments to something more loose fitting? After all, Jacob the village homosexual would be stumbled if he knew you were wearing such clothing. Our god is a god of love...and very strict clothing requirements."

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