Londo - very humble yet heartfelt video. You have a nicely expressive manner and make excellent observations. If you ever had a bee in your bonnet, you keep it well hidden.
Year 3: Personal Experiences
by Londo111 26 Replies latest jw friends
I enjoyed your video, Londo. You're not making an idiot out of yourself, please be assured of that!
That was a lovely presentation and I enjoyed listening to your voice, you are a humble person and have a calming influence, I hope you will do more video's presented personally.
Londo, I appreciated your video. Certainly not making an idiot of yourself. With your heart on your sleeve, that takes guts, believe me. Hopefully I will also be able to do that one day. Speak my mind and get a few weighty things off my chest.
Just one observation. I spent a few years in London, and experienced the "London hospitality" of the congregations first hand. I made very few friends there. I did field service with a brother, a MS pioneer. I thought it went well. At the next assembly, this brother would not acknowledge my existence (must have said something wrong somewhere along the line). But lo and behold, when he came on a bike trip to my part of the world, he contacted me for a place to stay. Fortunately I was not at home and could not offer him hospitality. Nevertheless, I came to the conclusion, if you're looking for justice, you've come to the wrong place (Dwarf in the Game of Thrones), also if you look for love in the congregation of JW, you've come to the wrong place.
Vidqun, your description of the 'on-again/off-again warmth of those serving in 'special' roles in UK London is uncannily similar to my observations here in far-flung New Zealand.
At one level I felt - for want of a better word - amused about their capacity to turn the warmth and love off and on when needing something. However, at another level it disturbed me, because if this were "the truth" (and the sole channel of truth at that!), the quality of the brotherliness was artificial and often self-serving. Hardly hallmarks of lovers of "the truth", I would assume - and far more dubious than the love you can find elsewhere with less trumpeting and self-congratulating fanfare found among the Witnesses.
Londo: it is nice to put a face to the avatar.
Thanks, wannaexit.
For a long time, I was paranoid of being “caught”. Then it got to a point in my fade that it would make little difference in my life. Then I was resistant because I wasn’t sure if it would be narcissistic. But sometimes I think one can convey things “in person” better than in print, since a great part of communication is nonverbal.
Londo, very personal. You come across as kind and compassionate.
Thank you.