Talking about rules, several years ago there was a local needs talk saying that it was inappropriate for brothers and sisters to hug or kiss as a greeting and although it was not wide spread, this custom was worldly and could be used by Satan to lure some to immorality. I felt targeted since in my culture even brothers hug and kiss..So a few weeks went by and we had our COs visit but it wasn't our usual CO. The couple that came were ex missionaries and the brother was now training to be a WT attorney. As soon as they arrived the sister ran from the back to the front of the hall where I was standing and gave me the biggest and the longest hug ever while kissing me on the cheeks. Many in the hall saw this and probably were shocked when they realized the gorgeous blond woman was the sub COs wife! I had known her a long time and I helped her learn a second language. I also learned sign language with her and worked with the hearing impaired, but no one knew this. Her husband then came and after the introduction he gave me a hug...From then on I returned to my good habit of hugging and kissing friends unchallenged by the elders. Still several years later I spoke with an ex jw who was one of the elders then and he said I was under watch for flirting and that's why I was passed for service privileges. Not to brag but I have been faithful to my wife for over 40 years and no longer being a JW hasn't changed that.
Attention AMIII! you need to read WATCH OUT FOR SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS- A WT you would never see today!
by BU2B 11 Replies latest jw friends
Brokeback Watchtower
Well at least the Pharisees didn't claim to be God's appointed Faithful and Discreet Slave which must be listened too and obeyed. So I would say AM3 is a dispicable example of self righteousness when displayed by a corporate officer with huge unresolved authority issues, which makes the self righteousness of the Parisees pale into insignificance.