Over 1,000,000 in attendance and you are worried about tight pants?

by Separation of Powers 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apognophos



    Tony Morris definitely wishes we still lived in the '50s. I haven't seen anyone mention yet the part when he says that a CO was "man enough" to say 'no' to working with a brother in FS who was wearing tight pants. He then backs up and amends "man enough" to "spiritual man enough" to make it sound more Biblically-based, and then uses that expression once more in the next minute. Funny way to cover for an old-fashioned statement that he knows is not politically correct.

  • BluesBrother

    Some comments from active and believing dubs who were there (from J W talk forum)

    And, Br, Morris did preface his talk by saying that the points of counsel in the talk are as if Jehovah were saying them, so pray to and talk to Jehovah about it if the counsel bothers anyone.


    Bro. Morris said the same thing about tight pants, metrosexuals etc as he did at the Italian zone visit back in January 2014? ??? Saying it's the gays and homosexuals that fancy individuals who wear that clothing ......?


    Leggings, Jeggings, too tight, too low tops or men's pants, dresses too tight too short. and this also includes what we choose to dress our children. no excuses for dressing inappropriately.


    He was clear there is nothing immodest about crazy socks. He specified that wasn't his taste, some have different taste, but modesty is quite different than taste.

    So why mention socks? ....They also had a debate as to whether he meant spandex or Spanx (whatever that is?)... and more generally dire counsel

    The point was also made during the program about visiting Bethel. It was said that yes, it could be expensive, but that if you can save up to go to a theme park then you may have to explain to Jehovah why you went to a worldly theme park but never visited the House of God.

    and a weird one??

    What was the point again about saying you can't lift your wife on a camel, because you're too weak? I can't recall the point.

  • Oubliette

    Apognophos: I haven't seen anyone mention yet the part when he says that a CO was "man enough" to say 'no' to working with a brother in FS who was wearing tight pants.

    Good call!

    Bloody Hotdogs! posted this comment about the same time you posted yours:

    "...it needs addressing... It's the 'metro sexual' look... that's the tight suit jacket and the tight pants, better known as 'tight pants'. And they are tight, I mean tight, all the way down to the ankle. And that is not modest brothers. No. It's not appropriate. It's not sound of mind.

    I was proud of one circuit overseer who told me... one of these fella's shows up for his circuit overseer's visit and wants to go out in the ministry and work with him door-to-door, and he's wearing tight pants. And the circuit overseer was man enough - spiritual man enough - to say: "No, I'm not going door-to-door with you. Not with that dress-up. Inappropriate." So, a lot to think about. And, you elders out there listening in, you be kind now, you always want to try to imitate christ jesus. You be spiritual man enough to tell these young fella's: "you don't go out in the ministry looking like that. Not in this organization.

    And frankly, I have asked sister after sister: "what do you think of this? Do you find that appealing, attractive? You know, I'm just curious, 'cause I'm not a woman." And you know what? I haven't met one yet that thought they look good.

    And like I've been telling them, and others, and this is a FACT, the homosexuals that are designing theses clothes - they like you in tight pants."

    - Anthony Morris III

  • game1914over

    The talk this jerk gave was the start point for my complete exit last night. These people are hypocrits!!!

  • Finkelstein

    Tight pants are the cause of all situations of homosexuality in humanity's existence, even in biblical times .

    So be careful that no one tries to sell you tight pants or you are are just asking for trouble.

    Here's an example ... Look what happen to Brother Stevens a one time GB member who went shopping for pants one day, he did find pants alright but from

    all accounts were very tight indeed, extenuating his shapely buttocks.

    He was eventually removed from his position from the GB and left the organization altogether and is apparently working in a pant factory somewhere in France.


  • WTWizard

    They said something about tight pants, but they said nothing about pants worn halfway down to the floor.

  • HeyThere

    Oh, btw (sorry if already mentioned) he referred to Bethal as Jehovah's headquarters on earth or some such similiar nonesense.

    Sorry for the delay is getting the recording distributed. It will be coming. So big I have to zip it. I had surgery earlier today and expect I will be back home tomorrow.

  • poopsiecakes
  • steve2

    I'm confused. The organization I was raised in, scorned Witnesses who dressed in a loose manner; nowadays, dressing tight attracts the scorn. Loose? Tight? What's with the preoccupation with the kind of fit of your clothes? Talk about bizarre priorities for a special talk.

    BTW, Morris tells his captive audiencehe did his own survey of tastes by asking sisters what they thought of men in tight pants and guess what? Not one sister said they liked it. Hell, if an older man comes up to you and asks you about whether you like men in tights, your safest bet, if there's no exit handy - or pepper spray - is deny any interest whatsoever. This fascination with male dress codes is creepy - and very likely, personally revealing of the comings and goings of an old white man's repressed mind.

  • erbie

    In my experience, people who have an issue with things like tight pants, low tops, tight skirts, short skirts, tight tops, short tops, high heels, dark stockings, makeup, etc. etc. etc. are projecting their own inner weaknesses and are most likely to be sexually frustrated.

    Anyway, with all that talk of tight skirts and high heals, I'm off for a cold shower 😰

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