Adios Amigos!!!

by Gustv Cintrn 28 Replies latest members private

  • galaxie

    JW stuff ...3rd in line, says it all !!

    Bye bye best wishes.

  • EdenOne

    Best wishes, Gustav. See you soon.


  • Justnowout

    Lol take care miz! Until next week when we see you under another new name


    I agree. Bye-bye!!

  • Apognophos

    It's good to step away from the forum when it takes too much of your time (I'm trying to come here less myself).

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    GC. I enjoy your take on stuff. Sometimes an alternate perspective is a good thing to hear. Go well with you!

  • mouthy
  • ShirleyW

    Justnowout - You think he's Miz?

    I didn't pick up on that so went back and read posts that he started, could be though !

  • 3rdgen

    Gustav, I will miss you because you sound like so many of my Jw cousins who view the religion as more of a social club than anything else. I know I've been snarkey with you at times in reaction to your pro JW posts but I have seen and experienced so much suffering and abuse by the WBT$ that I may be overly sensitive to apologists. In any case I hope you keep us in mind if you ever find yourself with doubts needing genuine support. We will always be here for the sincere.

  • Dagney

    Adios Gustav! I appreciate what you tried to do here in presenting your positive take regarding the WBTS. It was good for you to go against counsel and visit this site. In the end there are those that need to be told what color of socks to wear and those that don't. There will be those that enjoy feeling so special they could be living in paradise while billions were destroyed, and those that don't. Some need religion and some don't.

    We hope you continue to peek in here from time to time as the years tick on. We'll be here. Good luck.

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