Took the magazines in the waiting room and dumped them in the trash. Was a great feeling. To think many witnoids wont dare throw out the surplus magazines they have in stacks around the house is amazing. I was like that. Remember how they said that reading a magazine was like having "personal contact with the Faithful Slave?" What baloney. So, do you dump them when you see them, or are you one who bothers to put stickers on them to sites exposing WT falsehoods? Or ignore them altogether?
Trashed WT's found in Dr.s' waiting room Friday. Do you trash literature you find?
by Wasanelder Once 39 Replies latest jw experiences
I dump any magazines that I can. Most of the ones I throw away, though, are the extras that I take from the literature desk for just that purpose.
There's a special kind of joy that blooms when trashing this ridiculous literature...wtg!
I've not run across any WT literature anywhere, but I definately would trash it if I did. When I was an uber-dub I did use to trash the porn magazines that were left laying in the bathroom at work. LOL
I used to save them for getting the fire started, but I don't like the new ink colors. Thankfully my wife still has several boxes of the old B&W editions in the attic. The new stuff just goes straight to the trash can (I don't even bother putting it into the recycle bin on the off chance another cult-susceptible person might accidently stumble across it - and I would be blood-guilty).
I take them home and shred and toss them. I used to clean out laundromats too. Reverse placements.
I've not run across any WT literature anywhere, but I definately would trash it if I did. When I was an uber-dub I did use to trash the porn magazines that were left laying in the bathroom at work. LOL
What a shame. At least porn mags help you find some release...all the WT/Asleep! mags do is keep everyone repressed and beaten down.
Not quite in the same category but back in the day when my mother decided to pioneer and rather optimisticly ordered 100 of both WT&A for each issue. She was never able to get close to placing that many and as a result our house was swimming in them.
A brother called one evening and asked to use the bathroom and quickly returned to point out there was no toilet-paper.
My mother handed him a couple of Watchtowers......
I had seen nothing before and nothing since that matched the expression on his face.
I have never found any at my doctors office or any other place I have been but I will take it home and trash it. My sister has a very high position in a hospital and she has a JW that works for her that she would like to fire because she does not do her job but she can't get rid of her at the moment. This lady has to keep one of the waiting rooms looking nice and my sister kept finding WT and Awakes all over it and finally told her she was not to put any out and if she saw patients put them out she was to throw them away. She had to tell her numerous times not to do it.
We were just starting our fade and our cleaning lady (we no longer have her because she is a JW) came by one Saturday and left us with the latest editions and my husband had a nice fire going in the fireplace and it felt so good to take those magazines and watch them burn. There is something very freeing about it.
I have only come across the Rags rarely, but each time I make sure they go in the Trash.
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