Weekend of November 15-16 "Outrageous sock day at your local KH!"

by Separation of Powers 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I'm going to wear the tightest mist homosexual socks I can find

    Is that even a thing? I presume rainbow colored? LOL

    I'm just getting flashbacks of the 80's with all this talk of loud ties.

  • fastJehu

    ... or no socks and colored flip-flops like George:


  • Quarterback

    Yes, Sock it to them. I plan to wear my Dr Seuz socks, and show up late for the meeting. Then after the meeting tell the friends that I just can't wait to go home to unwind and get into my spandex pj's, and watch that bloodguilty show, Hawaii Five O.


    When you wear 'colorful' socks to the meeting next weekend and the Elders chastise you about it, simply say: 'Are you insane???'. Then walk away.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    The Sock-it Overseer will deal with you guys!

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Was anyone else surprised enough to know there are people with that much fashion sense at Bethel (since interesting socks are indeed in style).

  • sparrowdown

    Make it a whole month, say Socktober and raise money for a charity

    other than the borg at the same time.

  • Finkelstein

    Wearing something like this on your feet will get you counseled in the back hall, maybe publicly reproved for stumbling others.

  • sparrowdown

    So the cat in the hat won't be allowed in the hall..aw that sucks!

  • carla

    Aww, that's cute, you guys missed out on 'spirit day' in high school and now you rebels want a spirit day of your own! Apostate spirit day! I say go for it!

    (sad state of affairs when colored socks are considered risque) those crazy jw's

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